AOL Mail Norrin
Tell us how we can improve your AOL Mail experience. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review them regularly and take them very seriously.
Please contact our help site if you’re experiencing an issue that prevents you from using Mail as expected.
1074 results found
862nd ranked
Support spell checking in languages other than English. Believe it or not, AOL, some people in this world are bilingual.
Support spell checking in languages other than English. Believe it or not, AOL, some people in this world are bilingual.
862nd ranked -
Bewildering changes.
You can improve AOL by returning it to pre-AOL-Gold formatting. That was the beginning of the end; these current changes are the end. Just one example: the Reply, Reply All, Forward at the bottom of the screen. Having to scroll down through many messages to reply. Then when typing the new message, it disappears behind the Send button after two lines. What reasoning.
566th ranked -
Bad format in new and not able to revert to old even with help from help desk.
The new mail is terrible. I had three emails sitting in new mail before the change and now they are gone somewhere. Even the help line could not find them. The format for the new mail is not as user friendly as the old. The page lay out is not as pleasing or as intuitive. Would be nice if users were given the option to revert to an old system if they wanted. Even with the help desk working with me and clicking on revert to old, the format is drastically changed and not for the better.
92nd ranked -
new aol mail
new aol mail goes directly to today on aol instead of my inbox. i already changed the settings but it still redirects to today on aol instead of the inbox. please fix
69th ranked -
May AOL lose record numbers of existing longtime clients this new year ,Happy 2024
You lose in the new year, for this go nowhere forum you created for hopefully fed up clients over your email down grade.
413th ranked -
contacts issue
Contacts Suggestions not responding
862nd ranked -
275th ranked
can't print from email
you need to eliminate the box on the right which you use advertising on since it blocks part of the message and for some reason my printer will not print out a copy for my records.
187th ranked -
Today On Aol
I used to look at Today On AOL for it's news content. It has now become so full of ads its just trash. Much like the rest of what AOL has become.
167th ranked -
My Idea is after
The answer to your question "How can we improve AOL Mail?"
the answer is just ONE
During writing an email, I'm limited to 21 shades of colors. There is no Royal Blue. I would like more options as AOL used to provide.
During writing an email, I'm limited to 21 shades of colors. There is no Royal Blue. I would like more options as AOL used to provide.
566th ranked -
My computer shows all my email folders in alphabetical order. On my iOS devices, there is a "Saved" folder with other sub folders in Alphabe
My computer shows all my email folders in alphabetical order. On my iOS devices, there is a "Saved" folder with other sub folders in Alphabetical order. I would like the folders on my iOS devices to appear the same way they do on the computer without the "saved" sub folder.
566th ranked -
keep standard version
Can not keep my aol account on standard and not able to move messages to folders on basic, kinda sucks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
566th rankedCould you elaborate on why you can't use Standard? Is your browser fully up to date?
e-mail help.
this new system sucks. i can't get onot my e-mails without hitting a button that says mail, and when i do it tells me the page is not available. i then have to hit another button and then finally get to my e-mails. i tried going to the help site and asking why and they didn't do anything. just kept giving me the run around with things that don't pertain to my problem.
155th ranked -
Its prety obviouse that AOL are not listening to their users.
Its pretty obvious that AOL are not listening to their users. The new format still sucks and the ads in our email are becoming more aggressive. You will notice that AOL totaly ignore direct critisism. AOL bring back the old format and keep your users happy, ignore them and you will lose your users.
234th ranked -
Search button
The search button doesn't work for searching for subjects. It just gives you one option. So search brings up every and any word that sounds the same whether in the email name or subject or even in the body of email that is similar so you have to sort through hundreds. AOL WHY DID YOU DO THIS. WHY DID YOU MESS UP AN EMAIL PLATFORM THAT YOU HAD MANY USERS THAT LOVED NOW IT'S HATED.
129th ranked -
Confidential or Secure Messages
Can you add the ability to send Secure/Encrypted messages similar to Gmail's Confidential mail or's Encrypted Message?
I sometimes use my email to send/receive work related messages and having this ability would help. I currently have to use Gmail via SMTP to send these types of messages from AOL.
566th ranked -
Desktop Gold for Macintosh is needed ASAP
I have used AOL for a long time on all Apple Devices in "Mail" app and AOL Desktop and Mobile Mail. It now only works at "". When using "Mail" your servers constantly disconnect.
566th ranked -
566th ranked
- Don't see your idea?