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AOL Mail Norrin

This forum is for you to make product suggestions and provide thoughtful feedback. We’re always trying to improve our products and we can use the most popular feedback to make a positive change!

Tell us how we can improve your AOL Mail experience. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review them regularly and take them very seriously.

Please contact our help site if you’re experiencing an issue that prevents you from using Mail as expected.

1066 results found

  1. regret de ne pouvoir avoir un accuse de reception lors d un envoi

    avoir un accuse de reception lors d envoi de message . URGENT ET TRES IMPORTANT SVP

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  2. Message Deleted Popup

    Move Message Deleted box. Right now it pops up over the delete button and stays there. That makes deleting an individual email a 2-step process, since the box stays for a while. I need to delete the box that popped up for the previous deletion in order to delete the current email. Please move the box elsewhere.

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  3. How can I organize the e-mail folders alphabetically?

    Under the previous format the folders were organized alphabetically. Not so under the new format. How can I do this under the new format as there seems to be no logical order for my folders under the new format making it very difficult to find them.

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  4. Stop blocking me from sending a link to our products to our clients. THIS IS ********!

    I am trying to send our Drop Box link to our clients and it is being blocked from sending as spam. This only started with the new format.

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  5. I need to see more of my mesage while writing; if I add a cc box I can see almost nothing of what Iam writing. This is a deal breaker!

    I need to see more of my mesage while writing; if I add a cc box I can see almost nothing of what Iam writing. This is a deal breaker!

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  6. cc as a Standard Default Address Line Option

    Please add an option to have the CC address line appear by default.

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  7. 861st ranked

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  8. send

    I liked it better when 'Send' was at the top of the page. Now you have to scroll to the bottom and it's depressing in a 'memory lane' way. And it's a hassle.

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  9. Delete Process is not Operating Correctly

    3) Old and New Ver problem, when someone is is replying to and email and selects a large block or all of the text to delete it. The entire file is deleted, one must go to Deleted files to recover it. It should never delete a file from within a file as just described.
    2) New version: The Reply anchor to an open file should be at the top or at the top and bottom. I get large files of multi-reply add on comments that are maintaining a legal dispute.
    3) Deleted and recovered files do not have a reply…

    275th ranked

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  10. 861st ranked

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  11. Give us CompuServe branding back!

    I actually really like the new AOL Mail compared to the old version, but I really would like CompuServe branding for my CompuServe accounts! There is AIM, America Online, and themes but no CompuServe themes available!

    861st ranked

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  12. 861st ranked

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  13. 1064th ranked

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  14. I'm getting Firefox not supported errors.

    I'm getting Firefox not supported errors when using security key.
    It was working a week ago.

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  15. Auto mark spam as read

    Can I just get an option/setting (on/off) that allows me to mark all new spam as read? All my email clients are constantly going off with notifications and badges due to the massive amount of spam. If they were auto-marked as read on the server, that alone would make things easier for me.

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  16. receiving

    I don't receive the message immediately!

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  17. 861st ranked

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  18. How do I get rid of the Starred folder? I don't want it, I don't need it, I don't use it.

    Get rid of the Starred folder. I don't want it, I don't need it, I don't use it.

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  19. make the curser bar bigger and visible

    to toggle down on emails the right bar needs to be visible and stop disappearing .

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  20. Bring back the counters for all the boxes not just the in box!

    Bring back the counters for all the boxes not just the in box!

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