AOL Mail Norrin
Tell us how we can improve your AOL Mail experience. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review them regularly and take them very seriously.
Please contact our help site if you’re experiencing an issue that prevents you from using Mail as expected.
1122 results found
get rid of the offensive ads
no offensive ads
875th ranked -
875th ranked
875th ranked
This is so frustrating, I cannot send an email at all. The ads are linked to our email so we are spammed immediately. Go back to basic email
Go back to basics and stop competing with other news services. Also, stop selling our information! These unsolicited ads are annoying and waste my time deleting over 100 a day!!
875th ranked -
875th ranked
Pleawse see below relating to contacts
Listed contacts do not come up automatically, but "related contacts" who are totally unfamiliar to me pop up automatically all the time.
Please correct automatiuc pasting of people on the contact list and get rid of the "related contact" option.875th ranked -
Leave email format alone!
Go back to the old email format. I will decide how to organize the incoming mail IF I want to. I don’t need anyone else doing it for me!
875th ranked -
open emails side by side NOT TABS
I need to be able to open emails side by side NOT TABS. Bring back the classic styling.
875th ranked -
No Way to Remove Top Contacts that are Suggested
I spoke with tech support and looked all over the internet. It's confirmed there is no way to remove the top contacts that are suggest when using the search bar and next to the contacts list in mail.
It's odd how this is not a topic listed here, yet this is such a simple fix. I have a suggested contact here, such as my ex gf, I prefer not to see when I use my email. That contact isn't even on my contacts list anymore, but it's still suggested. It's wild how there's no way to remove these contacts. Cleared…
575th ranked -
block more senders from my spam mailbox. Currently I can only block certain emails from spam.
I would like to be able to block all spam. Why am I not able to block all spam mail? Sometimes I get repeated spam and can only delete and not block.
69th ranked -
Sent email is not showing up in Sent window.
Emails sent to myself and BCC recipients arrives in the New Mail windows but fail to arrive in the Sent Mail window. Please advise.
Thank you.875th ranked -
I would try giving the few people who still use aol some actual help when you service is NOT functioning. I bet you guys do this on purpose in order to get your customers to pay money. Since we have had no support from aol we are working on recovering our emails and switching to Gmail. Good job aol.
575th ranked -
Spell Check what happened to it.
Add a spell check
4th ranked -
go back to the original mail
go back to the old mail
875th ranked -
875th ranked -
You can not improve AOL. tell your boss dont sleep on his job ot many JUNK can not stop
AOL please keep you eye on your job, to many Junk moe than old CEO, new CEO no good
875th ranked -
Ads discriminate against those with nervous system conditions exacerbated by excessive stimulation such as flashing lights etc.
I accept that AOL is "free" at cost of exposure to ads however there needs to be consideration for those who are disabled with nervous system conditions particularly sensitive to excessive or chaotic stimuli such as that imposed by flashing ads. Online is now as much as in physical places, so it makes sense from this perspective to honor the human rights of the functionally impaired by offering them options to have ads only that do not flash etc. Otherwise such practices that prohibit access to AOL as a place online would be considered discriminatory, against protections at the highest…
875th ranked -
Why can I no longer edit my location - it is fixed at New York whilst I am in London UK.
Why can I no longer edit my location - it is fixed at New York whilst I am located in London UK Extremely annoying. The 'Edit' function does not work.
875th ranked -
Eliminate monogram-style initials before email addresses
The circles with stylized initials before each email in lists and when sending emails is useless, takes up space, and makes it impossible to highlight and copy or delete email addresses from an email.
419th ranked -
I can barely see my message as I type it . The screen is full of clutter. What is going on .Its unusable. FIX IT please
Restore message format .
It is cluttered and very hard to see email as a whole.875th ranked
- Don't see your idea?