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  1. Very Disturbing?

    We DON'T KNOW if it's very disturbing, because the dems are doing this in secret. They are cherry picking and taking things out of context. The only thing disturbing is what the democrats and the deep state have been doing for 3+ years and will continue to do for the next 5 years! AND YOU participate in it every second of every day! Pathetic excuse for journalists and journalism. (And you don't care)

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  2. The Big I Word

    The reason the democrats are delaying, is that they don't have anything. WE know if the democrats had ANYTHING, they would have passed articles. Many democrat leaders and other democrats are realizing that Schiff and company have been misleading everyone and are just continuing the ruse. The meetings are secret, so that Schiff can take isolated sentences, and sentence fragments out of context and leak them. The democrat leaders with hillary leading, have become insane!

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    Why can't you fix the comments and why do you refuse to respond?

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  4. The Big I

    Since Schiff(less) can't come up with any facts, he leaks fake info from "secret only democrat" meetings. Well, the people he questions can make their own statement after the "secret meeting" and those blow schiff and the rest out of the water. Schiff is really the one who deserves to be impeached. And how about that hillary. She's now getting eaten up by her own party. The russia **** is dead and so are any chances of her EVER being relevant again. (Not that she every was)

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  5. Hillary's 2020 vision

    I think the only reason YOU ran the hillary ******* is because you think she has nooooo chance in 2020. She even accused Jill Stein of being a "russian asset. However, hillary isn't the only one of the dems that sound absolutely crazy and lie often. There's nut case Francis (Beto), lying Elizabeth, alcoholic uncle Joe, just to mention a few. Have you heard the percentages of democrats and hispanics in Trump's crowd last night? That should scare all of you dems! And impeachment? It has already been tried 3 times! That's why Nancy isn't going to try it, because…

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  6. Democrat critics of Democrat debate

    YOU even soft-pedal the criticisms of the debate by democrats. How much more "fake" can YOUR editorializing get. Your rag is truly pathetic!

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  7. Fix connectivity issues!

    Fix connectivity issues with the comments. AOL went from first to worst.

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  8. Investigating Trump

    Trump is the most investigated President in history. And WHY? Because the dems are ****** that he WON in 2016 and have spent every second of every day trying to get rid of him. If obama has been scrutinized like this he would have been impeached and taken out of office.

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  9. Your news feed just got hacked again, that's twice today already.

    Your news feed just got hacked again. That's twice already today. A hacker is deleting or masking comments with a phony "Comment Violates Our Policy". Fix it. It is a minor annoyance since the deleted comments can just be reposted, but your security measures aren't inspiring confidence in your products!

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  10. Clapper Bombshell

    I just heard an audio of Clapper admitting that Obama ordered all the **** that went on trying to get rid of Trump, when asked if he (clapper) was worried about all the investigation going on. There’s you’re #1 story for the year. Oops, I forgot. You don’t run real news in your rag.

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  11. Headlines

    You so often parrot the leading "mainstream" media headlines and stories, but I didn't see the one that gave Adam Schiff four pinocchioes for statements he has made all week. Doesn't fit your narrative? When will you stop committing media malpractice? That means report real news and don't suppress real news.

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  12. Conspiracy theories

    The record shows that whenever the democrats yell "conspiracy theory", that the dems are terrified. Trump's approval rating is higher that obama's at this point in time. YOU have shown us how much Trump's campaign is taking in. Even the nyt uncovered Schiff(less) plan, how he "guided" the whistleblower. More people believe that Biden and son are dirty! You've got nothing but lies and innuendos. This garbage was all a 2020 campaign ploy. (China needs to investigate Biden)

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  13. Biden hits back?

    Biden can hit back all he wants, but that doesn't change the facts. And the "whistleblower" thing is ******* in your collective faces. Now, there is evidence that a Soros funded group paid for Shiff's aide to fly to the Ukraine. The deep state gets deeper and deeper in ****.

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  14. Democrats who oppose impeachment

    I'm sure we won't see this in your rag, but Governor Cuomo and Phil Maher both think (correctly) that this impeachment ** is just that!

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  15. Public thoughts about impeachment

    Trump has brought in 15 million in donations since this impeachment ** started. I know that the dems internal polls know that the public doesn't favor impeachment. WHAT THE **** IS WRONG WITH YOU ****** AND DEM LEADERSHIP? Don't answer that, just keep it up.

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  16. Impeachment?

    Deeply disturbing is right. The whistleblower will be unmasked as a partisan political hack. What YOU and the democrat leaders have managed to do is undermine national security, in that Trump and other nations leaders will not have the freedom to discuss issues they need to discuss. YOU and the democrats have done this, NOT TRUMP! A majority do not want an impeachment. And for anyone who will wade through the BS that YOU and the dems have put out for three years will be even more convinced not to trust the press. Look for a landslide in 2020. And…

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  17. love in the wrong and right directions

    I let him make a choice, It doesn't matter if I love or like him. It matters what he wants and what make him happy. I rather be alone than in a bad relationships. I can be happy with and/without a bad relationship in mine life. Bad relationships makes mine life more complicated and I am unhappy. I chose to find a person who makes me happy. I chose not to be in a relationship that makes me unhappy.

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  19. Why do my comments on a story not show up or receive an approval or disapproval?

    When I post a comment on a story there is never any approval or disapproval - I'm sure my posts are never seen.

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  20. Stop Spreading HATE for our Country!!

    Why must AOL dwell on spreading hateful and misleading news items?? Could you just provide the TRUTH. Perhaps your could set up an OPINION section that we would not have to look at!!

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