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AOL Super App for iOS

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292 results found

  1. 43rd ranked
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  2. The yellow is too bright! And ugly color! Change please asap!

    Please change opening display color of the app! That yellownis terrible eye sore!

    52nd ranked
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  3. Icon color

    Change the app icon back to blue, the yellow is just too jarring for me.

    56th ranked
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  4. 18th ranked
    9 comments  ·  News  ·  Admin →
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  5. Remove sales pitches

    Please remove advertisements from AOL mail. I am only looking for inspiration, good decent humor, and thoughtful ideas.

    48th ranked
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  6. News Options

    1) please add a Settings option that allows us to open the app to our Mail, or set as a default.

    2) The news always opens to the presidential election and it is extremely biased in favor of Harris. It’s always negative about Trump. We all see through this and it amounts to propaganda. I do not want to see news on AOL about the presidential election. It doesn’t even allow a local option.

    3) Provide options to create a custom feed so we can eliminate specific topics we don’t want, such as the presidential election.

    4) If You cannot…

    26th ranked
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  7. Please change the icon color!

    The new bright yellow icon color is a terrible idea! Please change it back to the blue that you had before or at least a more soothing color. The yellow is horrible.

    66th ranked
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  8. Relax on the obviously bias “news” stories… so much verifiably false propaganda.

    Would love to be able to block the news that is clearly spreading lies and doubt due to the bias of the company.

    23rd ranked
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  9. Eliminate Fox News

    Eliminate Fox News or give us the option to block Fox News

    19th ranked
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  10. Yellow app assault on our senses. Stop it. Plus i find it insulting that you think we can’t find you app on our pc it computer

    Back to blue or give us an option. You now pop your bussed **** news twice and the awful yellow that assaults our senses

    72nd ranked
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  11. AOL mail issues

    06/26/2024: The app for mobile mail default and the ads are not working correctly AGAIN! I’ve checked all the settings and they are set up perfectly. Fix the problem once and for all PLEASE! So tired of seeing the news default and the ads. I’ve done my part… now it’s your turn. So frustrating.

    28th ranked
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  12. 86th ranked
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  13. Stop forcing news headline. Allow your customers a choice between getting mail on opening or seeing headline news (never good)

    I am sick of opening up my AOL to check my email and see some annoying news headline usually bad news and almost always political. If I want to read news I will seek it out. They should not be forced upon me when I’m just trying to check my email.

    24th ranked
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  14. Opt out of certain types of ads

    Whenever I open my inbox, I’m confronted with casino ads. I’m a recovering compulsive gambler and seeing those ads might trigger a relapse. It would be great to opt out of gambling related ads, because whenever I delete them they just pop back up.

    66th ranked
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  15. 72nd ranked
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  16. Biased Anti-Republican propaganda

    Stop sending out biased anti-Republican propaganda through push notifications. It’s so obvious.

    86th ranked
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  17. aol contacts not showing on my emails on my aol app

    aol contacts not showing on my emails on my aol app

    94th ranked
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  18. Stop biased articles. Too many left articles. More Fox- Epoch times

    One from each outlet. Not all NBC which is obviously biased. Or CNN OR REUTERS. post equal amount of FOX - Epoch Times and Daily Wire etc!

    86th ranked
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  19. Allow setting to default to inbox when opening app

    I use AOL app primarily for mail. Until a few days ago, the app opened directly to my inbox. Now it suddenly opens to the Home tab, and I can’t find any way to set it to my preference.

    1st ranked
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  20. Why the email is lingering in OUTBOX , for months ?

    Why the email is staying in the OUTBOX ?

    113th ranked
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