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AOL App for iOS

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Tell us how we can improve your AOL App experience. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review regularly and take them very seriously.

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95 results found

  1. Change the AOL app back to blue from yellow!!

    When I updated the AOL app it’s no longer blue, it’s yellow. Please change it back. It’s been blue the last 30 years.

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  2. Icon app

    I don’t like the new yellow app icon. It reminds me of yellow cab or construction. Please change back to blue or to a more mellow color. Thank you

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  3. 16th ranked
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  4. Get rid of ugly yellow on AOL icon

    The warning traffic sign YELLOW of the new IOS mail icon is horrible. It is glaring and annoying. You really need to go back to blue or another cool color, defined as in, shades of green, blue, and purple, and their variations, which evoke feelings of calmness and tranquility.

    17th ranked
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  5. 17th ranked
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  6. 20th ranked
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  7. If it isn't BLUE, it's not AOL!

    Are you kidding now with the YELLOW logo. AOL must remain BLUE, just as it was when I was one of the first to sign on to AOL. There are a lot of things that can be improved with AOL. Changing the color is not one of them! Stop trying to change things that are not broken, and focus on changes that will improve the service. Nobody likes this yellow logo. Are you listening?

    20th ranked
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  8. App Icon

    Please change the color of the App Icon from yellow to blue or a more soothing color, or at least give us the option to select a color of our own choice. I have been a member of AOL for many years and I use it for email and news. The new bright yellow color with black letters is very loud and annoying. I wish you hadn’t changed it and of course none of the users has a choice.

    29th ranked
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  9. I agree the color back to blue

    Change icon back to blue

    44th ranked
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  10. Please go back to the blue icon.

    Please go back to blue icon.

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  11. Why did I get an email saying I don't have the latest version of the app?

    The version of my app matches the one in the app store and has for at least two weeks. I have auto-update enabled so it stays current. The email gives no indication how to tell what version is the latest version it's talking about, so it's worthless, and probably spurious.

    56th ranked
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  12. Please change the hideous yellow back to blue on the AOL app

    Please change the hideous yellow back to blue on the AOL app

    50th ranked
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  13. Please change the hideous yellow back to blue on the AOL app.

    Please change the hideous yellow back to blue on the AOL app

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  14. Since yo change I cannot delegate any messages. This needs to be fix.

    I a m having a hard time trying to delete old messages. The delete button is not working. Why

    56th ranked
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  15. ensure that it will still be working one day later.

    Ensure aol mail will still work on new iPad, laptop, phone more than one day after purchase. That way a tech can fix before you take the new device home.

    68th ranked
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  16. Disaster after updating

    I updated aol mail at App Store as instructed. Ever since I have seen blank screens (all emails lost) and today a black screen. I have important emails in my accounts. Sometimes the emails appear after signin but most times they don’t. What did the update do??!!!

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  17. Yellow app icon???

    The new yellow color for the app is terrible and looks like a traffic sign that signals "Caution" or "Road Closed" or "Slow" or "Uneven Road Surface." It is very ugly looking and ******* the eyes. Is this really the signal you want to portray about AOL? I think this was a bad decision on AOL's part to change from the pleasing blue color to this harsh yellow. Please change it back to blue! For the first time in years, I am seriously considering closing my AOL accounts and transferring everything to gmail. I'd like to hear some feedback as…

    56th ranked
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  18. No email notifications

    Suddenly the app isn’t notifying me of new incoming emails, why not? Please fix. Only receive notifications when I physically go to open the app.

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  19. Contacts Added to AOL Account from my iPhone contacts

    How can I prevent contact being added to my AOL account which show that they have been added from my iphone?

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  20. Customize news feed

    I’d like to personalize my news feed to remove certain topics or sources.

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