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Tell us how we can improve AOL. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review regularly and take them very seriously.

114 results found

  1. Where are the comments boxes? I can't comment on AOL news pages.

    Where are the comments boxes? I can't comment on AOL news pages.

    16th ranked
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  2. Celebrities are a No No.

    Many of us have agreed on news comments we do not enjoy small minded articles about boring self proclaimed small minded celebrities.
    It is not the sort of news educated people find amusing nor interesting.

    94th ranked
    1 comment  ·  Lifestyle  ·  Admin →
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  3. Readers commenting on news items page. AI rejecting half of our comments without understanding what we say.

    You claim We do not censor. ALL of us on the comments forum page are repeatedly censored and accused of violating the community. Most of us regulars have been censored up to 80 times already. Your AI inspector does not understand what we try to say and continually blocks all of us every day. Look at history over last 4 months fir confirmation please.

    94th ranked
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  4. You can improve AOL by figuring out why the Comments in AOL switches me over to the U. K. version.

    I am unable to read comments on my posts or respond to them when AOL switches me over to the U. K. version.

    66th ranked
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  5. 35th ranked
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  6. Stop rejecting posts which only you find offensive.

    Stop rejecting posts which only you find offensive. Several of my posts have been rejected, none of which could be called offensive. There were no swear words, no racist remarks, nothing controversial just the plain truth. Unfortunately the truth is something you seem to find offensive.

    50th ranked
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  7. I believe your comments page is a faulty and unhelpful one. you have a system which is a one way judgement which denys Free Speech

    I think it is time you ceased from your AI Bot method of dealing with people's comments. You are totally against people expressing the truth; even when they do so in an intelligent and non-aggressive and non-abusive manner. You give no feed-back as to why somemone's viewpoint has been rejected, questioned (red-boxed); or any genuine attempt to provide answers. Yours is a one way Stalinist process and is judgemental from a limited and U.S liberal viewpoint. Things you deem "offensive or "aggessive" or "impolite" are not so in my country; and I write from the United Kingdom, whose language and…

    35th ranked
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  8. AOL Ad free mail an option for UK customers

    Can you make the AOL ad free mail option available in the UK its annoying i cannot access this as i have had my email address with AOL a long time and would like to remove the ad as they intrude on my experience. It a shame the free desktop client is no longer available as i cannot access an AOL gold subscription either i miss being able to have all my service in one app.

    94th ranked
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  9. put the comment box back on.

    Why did you remove the comment box?

    94th ranked
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  10. You should include reports from independent social media platforms. You use lying MSM too much

    Approach The Duran for reports on Ukraine. Far more accurate than the lying media you use. Matthew Goodwin is a good input for politics. Using MSM is lazy reporting. They seem to lack real journalists. Patrick Moore will put you straight on Climate Change. I find your current format very irritating to listen to because it presents some very ignorant people as being the voices of authority.

    60th ranked
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  11. Want to stop seeing nonsense 'news' articles from pro-conservative newspapers - how?

    I want to stop seeing nonsense 'news' articles from pro-Conservative newspapers - I should be able to filter this rubbish out

    66th ranked
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  12. Change the format in Lifestyle.

    Change the format in Lifestyle. You don't actually mention much, except Adverts for chain stores. Lifestyle should be about Cooking, Diy. Sewing tips etc, useful stuff, not adverts for ''What dress so and so is sporting'' or ailments. You could cover such under (If anyone is interested in that shite) MONEY! Or here's a good idea, leave that **** out, no one is interested!!

    94th ranked
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  13. If the email system is down can't you make it clear on the opening page and keep us informed on progress?

    If the email system is down can't you make it clear on the opening page and keep us informed on progress?

    66th ranked
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  14. Stop preventing us reading news items which you place on view for us to read.

    When I clicked on the report about the objections raised concerning the opening Olympic ceremony's offencive remarks/presentation about the Last Supper I was redirected to anything but that article.

    66th ranked
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  15. 79th ranked
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  16. Why can I no longer comment or view others comments?

    I an no longer see or leave comments. You keep telling me to log in when I am already, but still can't access comments from my account

    13th ranked
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  17. All kinds of languages shown on my AOL Home page and signin page

    Of late, apart from wrongly telling me that either Username or password is wrong for which I could not sign in, and for me to change to a new password, all kinds of languages messages are appearing on both my AOL Home page and sign in page. I have only English UK on my Laptop and browsers. So wha is up with AOL with this sudden and unhealthy change?


    94th ranked
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  18. Find someone to check headlines for errors in grammar

    FInd people competent enough to prevent ambiguous headlines like this: "Woman admits causing death by dangerous driving of baby outside hospital" A more correct headline would be: "Woman admits to causing death of a baby by dangerous driving outside a hospital" The first sentence implies that the woman was driving a baby! Quite ridiculous, and a sad example of the sloppy grammar too often encountered in journalism.

    94th ranked
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  19. remove scam add in your news page: contodefor The top secret the banks don’t want you to know contodefor-Adremove scam add in your news page

    remove scam add in your news page: contodefor The top secret the banks don’t want you to know contodefor-Ad

    94th ranked
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  20. Stop showing horoscopes sport entertainment

    Stop showing horoscopes sport entertainment

    79th ranked
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