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AOL Mail Noble

This forum is for you to make product suggestions and provide thoughtful feedback. We’re always trying to improve our products and we can use the most popular feedback to make a positive change!

Tell us how we can improve your AOL Mail experience. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review them regularly and take them very seriously.

Please contact our help site if you’re experiencing an issue that prevents you from using Mail as expected.

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153 results found

  1. 7th ranked
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  2. don’t delete old emails

    why did you delete old emails, i have lost conversations with family members i can no longer speak to, notes and pictures i had saved in this account. why would you be so cruel

    3rd ranked
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  3. Cut the spam,I get hunderds a day,and multiples from the same

    Your spam is horrendous,you don't provide a way to block them,all they do is spoof a different from address

    21st ranked
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  4. Get rid of the adverts popping up in my emails.

    Please get rid of the adverts that now keep popping up in with my emails. Really annoying. Annoying enough to cancel AOL account !!!

    36th ranked
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  5. Failed communication on deleting emails

    Deleting ALL emails due to inactivity? You FAILED to send any notification to me to sign in or give me a warning. Lost emails from people who are gone and conversations I’ll never get back.

    Such a disappointment to come to realize you’ve stolen that from me.

    9th ranked
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    Hi there! We're really sorry to hear you're dealing with this issue, but we'd love to help! Can you provide us with some more information? You can reach us over on through a DM @AOLSupportHelp or on our Facebook page AOL Customer Care via a PM. We're lookin forward to figuring this out together!

  6. Get rid of the adds at the top and middle of my emails or I'll just use gmail!

    Get rid of the adds at the top and middle of my emails list or I'll use gmail only?

    36th ranked
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  7. The Spam Mail is Ridiculous

    There was a time where the junk mail wasn’t entering the regular inbox so often. This is now a regular occurrence and it’s beyond annoying. They’re being moved to junk everyday now!! I have a primary email with yahoo and this doesn’t happen nearly as much. I am looking to delete this email altogether.

    46th ranked
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  8. Do not want subscriptions to display in mail. This is a new feature that was not authorized or wanted. Just installed without permission.

    Drop subscriptions from drop down menu in mail. Not wanted or needed.
    Not an intelligent addition either.

    56th ranked
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  9. I would like to be able to "auto forward"

    Ability to auto forward new mail to gmail so i can stop 100 spams per day thanks

    64th ranked
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  10. 56th ranked
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  11. Move the ads to the end of the email list

    Move the ads to the end of the email list.

    64th ranked
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  12. Select an email, search all rmail gor yhst one rmail

    Be able to select one email, not parts of a possible word, in the email or subject line, just one email. So I can select all, of those emails and delete them.

    27th ranked
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  13. Categorize emails by sender

    AOL used to offer an option to group/categorize emails from the same sender. It made it so much easier and quicker to delete emails. I am overwhelmed by the amount of emails I receive daily and would like this feature to return.

    46th ranked
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  14. Width Adjustment of Mailbox List vs Reading Pane

    Users need to be able to manually move/set the separation bar between mailbox contents and reading pane.

    Most monitors are SO large today that having the reading pane occupy 70% or more of the pane is a detriment to easy navigation. The mailbox contents list is of limited use when it's needllessly narrow and many emails are of such low value that being able to see them as 33-50% of the left of the screen leaves LOTS of space for reading while being able to preview one-liners or alerts, simple yes/no replies, etc.

    11th ranked
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  15. After changing password they still using verification code.

    When changing your old password to a new one,they still send the verification code.

    25th ranked
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  16. Auto reply to certain email

    I want to be able to set automatic replies to certain emails

    109th ranked
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  17. New mail

    I love You are the best. Thank you for all you do for us.

    I wish I could return to the version of AOL that has a category titled “new” mail.

    131st ranked
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  18. The mail choice bar, that moves all over the place: Why can’t you leave it at the bottom, where it belongs?

    The choice bar , that moves all over the place: Why can’t you leave it at the bottom, where it belongs?

    109th ranked
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  19. The mail choice bar, that moves all over the place: Why can’t you leave it at the bottom, where it belongs?

    The choice bar , that moves all over the place: Why can’t you leave it at the bottom, where it belongs?

    109th ranked
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  20. I accidentally unsubscribed emails from Jackson Rancheria, but can't find an "Undo" option anywhere. Could we make it easier to find?

    Could we make an undo option for emails we unsubscribe from easier to find. I'm sure the option must be there, but I can't find it.
    Thank you.

    36th ranked
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