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870 results found
I don't like to scroll and the slide shows takes too long to read in the aol news sections.
It's like reading a magazine. Too much turning pages.
Only Black lives?
Does anyone out there actually know history? African Blacks sold into slavery were sold by other Blacks to whites as well as other Blacks. Both races are responsible, not just whites. Slavery of any sort is morally wrong, but Blacks are acting just as racist as they claim whites are. If you want to gain respect and authority, work for it like everyone else. when you act like a thug, no one will respect you, not even your own kind who have earned good status.
Too much American news. Not very interesting for us British citizens.
Less American news
Stop posting all the Black Lives Matter propaganda in my News's beating a dead horse...we get it ONLY Black Lives Matter!! TY
Just stop posting it in my news feed...let people subscribe if they want to listen, but I'm over it already!
Wenn es sie wirklich interessieren würde dann würde sie ihre App überarbeiten. Leider ist es so nur eine grosse Verarsche.
arbeiten sie mal ordentlich
Sie aktualisieren die News öfters
News sind oft veraltet
It would be wonderful if the entertainment news could really be separate from national news. For me it is degrading and useless !
Since mine is not the only complaint why haven't you taken it to heart?
Stop using sensationalist words to ***** the news. I don't care how your reporter feeeeels about a topic. Post by-lines to call them out!
By-lines (so we can avoid)
What a ridiculous headline. It should have read " Police shoot armed suspect in Phoenix crime scene" .
Ridiculous liberal "journalistic" malpractice.
stop asking me if I enjoy the app. also, if a story has a picture, put it in there. I don't want to go th another site to see the picture.
put the pictures in the stories, not a note telling me I have to go to whatever site to see it.
Kill click bait stories that are incredibly long and pointless, created just to force ads. At least make them scroll-able, not slideshows.
Kill click bait stories that are incredibly long and pointless, created just to force ads. At least make them scroll-able, not slideshows.
Hire an individual who actually has command of the English Language and Grammer. Your current display of "Headlines" is atrocious!
The Individuals posting your headlines need replacing. AOL should be embarrassed by such awful errors in Grammer. I am available for Hire! I suggest you take a look at what was posted today.
don't like the fact that stories continue on page after page and you have to press next page to advance. COMPLETE WASTE OF TIME.
stop writing articles over several pages. waste of time pressing next page.
- Don't see your idea?