AOL App For Android
Aol App
This forum is for you to make product suggestions and provide thoughtful feedback. We’re always trying to improve our products and we can use the most popular feedback to make a positive change!
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Tell us how we can improve your AOL App experience. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review regularly and take them very seriously.
1622 results found
Want to delete email content & prior "to/from" lists before forwarding an email (e.g., just want to send a link/attachment not whole chain).
Don't want to forward email "chain" - just want to forward an enclosed link, attachment, joke, or information. Also don't want to include "to/from" names and addresses from prior chain. With another email provider, can edit/delete email content (including senders/receivers) prior to forwarding the message.
Get back to the "running man" and bring back the true AOL millions of us use to depend on!
You need to get back to the reliability we depended on when you first started.
make a easy way to delete bad or misspelled emails when composing mail. No easy way to fix contacts on the phone app for aol.
create an easy way to delete bad email addresses in the aol phone app
update email with an option to swipe to delete messages
swipe to delete email
I suggest that you stop threatening me because I recently stopped paying for the "free" AOL. I don't need to pay you anything.
It is not an idea; it is a complaint.
The size of my font on my aol android just changed by its self. Give instructions on how to change my font size in my aol android app.
The size of the text or font on my aol android app changed by itself. It is too small. How do I change it back? The last article you sent didn't answer my question.
thanks you I'm Vayikem Johnson, I'm a deaf/Actor/Pro Wrestler/Producer. you know see scene my name "Vayikem Vangu" on social.
Vayikem Vangu
stop baiting us!!! Our time is valuable. Punk move.
Elvis's grandson looks just like him click click click 25
clicks later still no Elvis. -
take off preview section or give it an option
option keep or not keep preview on off feature
Increase font size AND allow the text to wrap around within the text field
Font size is far too small to view on this android tablet. Ctrl + does not work, it simply "zooms in" so most text is still unavailable.
In security settings, create the option for fingerprint security.
To open a AOL email app, in security settings give users the option of fingerprint security.
- Don't see your idea?