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495 results found
Debunked theory?
Is this the same intelligence community that has participated in the coup against Trump? I can’t wait for the scheduled reports to come out.
Confirmed by new book
Confirmed by a new book of lies?
Californians moving out
Finally some truth in reporting from you. The democrat leaders and their idiotic progressive ideas are the big reason for the volatile politics , high taxes, AND rampant homelessness. And for people moving out of California. I suspect that Idaho will soon say "enough" like Arizonans are muttering under their breath.
Trump affiliated brands
Your new low. You are JUST LIKE LYING adam schiff. But it's what we have come to expect from you.
Pelosi and Hate
Now we have a clip of Pelosi in '98 accusing the gop of "hatred" during clinton's impeachment process. And Rush was right to call her "catholic faith" out for supporting abortion. Clinton wasn't impeached for ***** on the blue dress, he was impeached for lying and urging others to lie for him. Bunch of hypocrites!
Schiff lies again
Adam Schiff can't go a day without another lie. The phone number that was supposed to prove Rudy and Trump were involved in money withholding is not even right. And this is one of the BIG proofs for impeachment. The democrats are doing NOTHING, except trying to impeach Trump. He has offered many possibilities for the "dreamers", even though many are criminals. The democrats DON'T care about the American people! Oh, shooting suspect is from Saudi Arabia.
Failure on China?
Trump has not failed on China. Do you think over 50 years of literally giving away the farm to China can be ended in a few months? And really, keynoting one farmer who cannot wait until we DO IT RIGHT, YOU think is going to change our mind. Trump has kept more campaign promises than any President in 50 years. Can you say that about obama? You really don't work that hard over there. You just parrot the rest of the liberal media and throw in some entertainment etc.
Abuse of power
If you want to discuss the abuse of power, then let's talk Nancy. She has 0 power to draft articles of impeachment. That is done by committee AND vote. She will be lucky to get enough votes to "impeach" which is a POLITICAL PROCESS not a legal one. Get it? A POLITICAL PROCESS! Nickel quiz tomorrow students. (You've already failed, so don't show up)
Your favorite beach may soon be under water?
The CEO of a hedge fund just bought a $111 million dollar, 70k square foot home 60 feet from the ocean in Florida. Do YOU think he believes in rising water or cares about his carbon footprint. GET REAL WITH YOUR STUPID NEWS! This event just shows you what people really think.
Lights up hearing?
The only thing of note (disgusting at that) Prof Karlan did was to bring the President's son into the hearings for humor. This shows what disgusting hypocrites these people are. YOU decide that her retort was important. That show what a bunch of disgusting hypocrites YOUR editors are.
Nunes in the spotlight?
Your stupid little rag failed to mention that Nunes is suing cnn for 435 million, for the hit piece they did on him that was packed full of lies, just like schiff.
The Report Made the Case?
This is just a BS carryover from the Russian collusion accusations we've heard for 3 years. There is still no there, there, just like Lisa Page said in the first place. And for YOU to run that headline is a pure and simple lie and some more of your fake news. I don't want to see any more tax money wasted on this BS, but I really hope this goes to the Senate, so we can all see how YOU have mislead us and see who the REAL CRIMINALS are. There are people out there who don't know what fusion…
Blocking aid
It's about time we block aid to all these idiot countries that try to undermine us one way or another. And by the way we are getting sick of Russia, Russia, Russia. They have been our enemy since just after WWII. But, we have to have some dealings with them. Why don't you do an expose' on Hillary and the uranium deal, or Hillary/Ukraine 2016 election meddling. The cnn, msnbc BS is just ridiculous. Keep it up, it will be a Republican landslide.......
We want to support the Arabic language.
Trump the BS artist?
As usual YOU have twisted the truth. Sound familiar. Tucker's point was, YOU and the deep state YOU support, HATE it when Trump tells the truth. Example: Baltimore IS the way it is, in a big way, because of the democrat leadership there. But that's embarrassing, so let's everyone get together and call Trump a racist for telling the truth.
War on Thanksgiving?
There is a war out there against everything good America stands for. The dems pretend to uphold the constitution, but in fact they would love to do away with it. The only thing that matters to the democrat leaders is to regain power. Not only are they the do-nothing democrats, they DON'T care about the people of America.
Trump's pardon pushback.
I wonder if the official who is pushing back and saying "Trump doesn't know about the military", was the one who had a hand in pardoning the deserter idiot, or if that was just obama. I would MUCH rather see these guys pardoned than manning or Bergdahl. We know things out here, so we don't have to take your BS reports as published. Part of the deep state........
Any recession we might have would still be a better economy than Obama! And, you lefties are the only ones predicting a recession. From the day Trump was elected, your buddies predicted disaster. YOU are the only disaster. We have a booming economy and the best unemployment numbers in FIFTY years. YOU can only hope something goes wrong.
Ginsburg illness
I’ve seen respectful comments about Ginsberg and rightly so. I doubt we would see equally respectful comments if she were a conservative, given the rhetoric put out on your rag daily.
Fox News scooped you.
How long did it take you to figure out Fox scooped you on Ginsburg hospitalization?
- Don't see your idea?