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This forum is not monitored for any support-related issues. If you need assistance of any kind, please visit our help site.
Tell us how we can improve AOL. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review regularly and take them very seriously.
1518 results found
Why are my comments being blocked when I didn't post anything to warrant it?
My account is being blocked from posting and I didn't have any posts blocked. What gives?
Aol comment not working
I used to comment to a post but it's not showing on the comment box after posting. Kindly do something about it to make sure I got interaction to your aol website.
adding AOL mail icon in green for all mail sent from AOL to it's members to help avoid confusion
already posted above
Please Start letting me comment again. I have not viol
Please Start letting me comment again. I have no idea why I have been banned. At least let me know why I have been banned and not your boiler plate message about making someone uncomfortable. I am sure I did not violate any of your standards. If you are going to ban someone, may I suggest that you at least let them know.
Turn off comments
I want to be able to turn off comments
Give me back the ability to comment!
Allow for diversity of ideas would be a start,you cancelled me.
Why are you even asking? Aol won't let me comment on articles,why is that and how can I reverse this?
REJECT bad comments, rather than permanently shut down the account holder! I need that interaction with others due to Dementia.
AOL has a "reject" button they can use if 'They' (probably just one person in another Country's, opinion) think someone has said something bad...although that's just Their opinion. But to shut down people's accounts completely is UN-American. But then AOL is NOT in America. As someone with dementia, I need the interaction. You took away a huge part of my life needlessly and senselessly. I do NOT use bad language nor do I spread misinformation. Isn't the 'commenting" section part of the AOL package that I pay for?There was a guy on AOL who used filthy names for women as…
Switch or alter email address
Having the capability to alter/ change the email address, would be a useful option.
how to fix AOL Desktop error code 100 ?
If you are using the AOL email service without learning how to fix AOL Desktop error code 100 then you can't be more wrong.
Visit sites -
Fix mail disappearing from AOL Mail interface with Ios Iphone mail
For years my AOL email periodically disappears from my mail on my Iphone. If I shut down my iPhone mail for a while, AOL mail will reappear. This has been an annoying bug for many years. I have complained before, but it never gets fixed. If I reboot my iPhone, the mail reappears, so it has to do with AOL not clearing out some code operating in the background.
How do I turn off the anti-TRUMP news and adds.
How do I turn off the anti-TRUMP news and adds. Thank you...
Read Comments "Before" Banning Someone
I certainly understand that comments to news articles may be offensive.
I also think AOL jumps the gun and bans people from commenting before actually reading their comment.
In a divided country, it's difficult not to offend someone without walking on eggshells. I fell victim to AOL's "overly strict" censorship and was banned. Unfairly, I believe.
I am unable to login to aol due to guce advertising and not connecting. I am using Chrome as my browser NOT EDGE. Fix this please.
By stop being the mouthpiece for liberals
AOL is obviously biased against anybody and any idea that doesn't agree with the Left.
- Don't see your idea?