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495 results found
After 20+ years of using AOL, I will be changing to a new browser and news source. Drop the clickbait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
After 20+ years of using AOL, I will be changing to a new browser and news source. Drop the clickbait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Are you kidding me?....Mass shooting in VA and there is nothing on aol? seriously?
are you kidding me...a mass shooting in VA and there is nothing on aol??? are we just becoming so immune??
Quit showing your stupidity by trying to give Obama credit for the economy treatment of veterans - only liberal idiots would be that stupid
You are a bunch of liberal **** *****
Current News
Just skip the games and post the current news. You all can't keep up with the "Mind" in the Government either. We are tired of AOL playing with our lives. Get to 2019 -- the 1970s is gone!
Comey smacks down Trump?
I hardly think the "smackdown" is real execept in YOUR puny minds. Comey should be very afraid! All his "friends" are about ready to turn on him and expose him for the lying hypocrite he is.
Important news not onAOL
Why is the very recent news of the illegal Kenyan's killing of 12 elderly woman ( 76- 94 y.o.) in the Dallas area not shown on the AOL NEWS???????? It suggests he posed as a health care worker, robbed the women and killed them. WHY did AOL not present this news to the public ????????
Today I was browsing the articles on AOL and while scrolling through an article on "short Celebrities" I was shunted off to a **** site.
I thought there were filters on AOL to prevent this type of filth. Please advise.
Stop censoring my comments you Liberal ********! Trump is RIGHT about *** ON LINE!
Stop censoring my comments you Liberal ********! Trump is RIGHT about ** ON LINE!
Show video of Trump kissing Rudy in drag
There is video showing trump kissing dumb*** Rudy in drag.
Fake cop licence need someone to remove from station
This fake cop is giving fake tickets at a
suburban station -
Stop harassing me about notifications!
How many times do i have to click on the dam x for notifications? I don't want notifications and i'm not going to change my mind no matter how many times you ask me! I clicked it once when signed in and that should be more than enough to stop the bs!
kma security
cortez is a total idiot
cortez is a total idiot
Don't put GoT spoilers on a video on your home page that runs without user input!! Good way to stop being my home page!!
Don't put spoilers on a video that auto plays on opening the home page morons!
Update you science section more often
Update you science section more often
Come on AOL just give us the NEWS!!! You must be ******!!!
fox news story
it seems that fox news has a real problem these days. Who are they to determine if someone can or cannot afford the rent in Washington D.C. why are they still working after laughing about this young girl. I think it was more of a racist innuendo than any thing so lets get rid of them just like Megan Kelly and move on.
YOU ARE SENDING TERRIBLES MESSage to young children that Cardi B, jorden, stc are stars and people to look up too!! SHAME ON YOU!
Stop promoting strippers, like cardi B and stars with $300 shoe line. SHAME ON YOU!!!!
- Don't see your idea?