Why am I banned from the comments sections?
Are you Big Brother now? There doesn't seem to be any actual human beings working for your company. No one responds to any of these comments listed below. I had one person respond that couldn't help me because AOL had to respond to me. Still waiting........

Dana Hoyer commented
Pretty sure banned for being conservative, or even just moderate right. Yet, have seen the same poster in comments that somehow gets around using foul language, nasty to all, and using other letters and numbers for spelling and lots of emojis...This person that does this has TDS and very woke.
David Sahadi commented
To whom it may concern. Over the past year, my comments have continuously been rejected, even if my comments are very nice about a story. I know in the past, my comments have been viewed with bias and distain to your woke rules. My attorneys wanted me to write you first, before a lawsuit will be filed against you in the West Palm Beach court of law, for the freedom of speech act. If I do not recieve a reply back within the next seven business days, we will take legal action.