Your original feedback: I am hoping you will care enough to help me with email barrage, I get 300 email a day in my newmail and equal amoun
Your original feedback:
I am hoping you will care enough to help me with email barrage, I get 300 email a day in my newmail and equal amount in SPAM folder, , any personal mail I get is lost in it, I can block every thing that is not in my contact list and I did that but that is not the answer I want the barrage to stop, I love AOL I am 76 and I have had AOL since it began, I do not want to cancel but unless you can tell me how to fix this I will have to, I saw a video that showed how to do things but theyu are not on my maching, I can'tdo them How do I get a system where I can do what is in that video, it said there were ways to chose to have a levels of SPAM, . Please help me, someone care enough to answer me anyway.,