Stop being EVIL
The computer have been around to long! So now people like yourselves do evil against thy brother! By creating obvious problems and compounding problems. Dude your jobs not secure or what ever reason besides EVIL you do these things! Once upon our MAIL SECTION of the AOL via. The home page? we do not need you evil personnel to change where the app. Opens too! If we want to see the garbage you evil wants for us to see - to the point , look what you done. Again the computers have been around long enough - WE know how to select MAIL. FYI the NEWS IS THE SAME ON ALL OUTLETS - EXACTLY the same. That what happens when folks know YOU ****** must feel important CONSTANTLY by doing EVIL. That why no one want to have anything to do with your web site but it’s email. Your EVIL put out an app with email only and find out TRUTH you FAKE portrait of the WORLD. That all I and more than 95% want from you - now go eat your cake losers 🙂🙏