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AOL Mail Noble

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Tell us how we can improve your AOL Mail experience. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review them regularly and take them very seriously.

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23 results found

  1. Increase attachment size n now instead of waiting.i have to send multiple emails compared to other carriers.

    Increase atttachment size to corresponds with the average of other carriers, i have to send multiple emails to send pic and video attachment. Any video longer than one minute ) or exceeding 25Mb either collectively or is sent as one lot. is not accepted. If you can’t increase attachment size please compress file so cell phone users can transfer more data to recipients. This is a major inconvenience and sufficient reason to abandon AOL which is now considered a “dinosaur” by the email community.

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  2. Have a Market Place for selling things compared to Facebook

    I am not sure if AOL has a market place like Facebook has for selling anything?

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  4. Escorte

    Je suis une escorte professionnelle plan cul payant je reçois comme je me déplace si t'ai intéressé via mon Snap Camaileb66 😍😍

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  6. Limited file size on attachment

    I understand that you can only send up to a certain amount of size for each emails. However, there are many reasons and purposes that require to send a certain file that exceeds your file size limitations on your email. Maybe you can follow outlook’s or gmail’s leads by uploading the file to your server and then users can share the link to access the files that need to be sent using your email? Users will flock over to other email services if you don't keep up with the times

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    HA HA HA....Goodie Goodie. You misspelled: was supposed to be AOL MOBILE and you guys spelled: AOL NOBILE

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  8. I’m a gmail user and compared to that aol email is terrible

    1) you need an email app solely for email. That would make it easier for technology challenged older people.
    2) you need a way to mark emails as spam to help curtail and inbox (new mail) with 500 emails
    3) take a hint from Gmail and have an inbox.
    4) and now that there are hundreds of emails in my new mail you need a way to select all or select and mark a bunch of emails and then delete them all at once.
    5) actually just clone email or the default email app included on iPhones.

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  11. Also das wöchendliche ändern meines Passwortes weil angeblich gehackt muss aufhören

    Alles viel zu unübersichtlich und kompliziert, Passwort erkennung funktioniert nicht

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  12. Emails with attachments that can't be downloaded

    What the **** is going on it says you you blocked downloading attachments in emails and then I have to move it to a different folder but even when I do that it's still is not accessible can you guys please fix this

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  15. New Format Terrible

    Seriously, spent the morning on the phone with your AOL CSR’s and received a case number because they have NO IDEA HOW TO NAVIGATE THIS “NEW” FORMAT or that AOL INTRODUCED A NEW FORMAT!!! TOLD ME TO USE MY DESKTOP FOR EMAIL UNTIL AOL NOTIFIED THEM OF A CHANGE IN FORMAT!?!

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  17. Where’s the news?

    Bring back the news. The new format is incredibly irritating

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  19. Can not upload photos

    Can not upload photos at all any more i click on it nothing happens

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