AOL Mail Noble
This forum is for you to make product suggestions and provide thoughtful feedback. We’re always trying to improve our products and we can use the most popular feedback to make a positive change!
Tell us how we can improve your AOL Mail experience. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review them regularly and take them very seriously.
Please contact our help site if you’re experiencing an issue that prevents you from using Mail as expected.
19 results found
Why are you sending me emails that you are deleting all of my contacts ??.
Why do you keep sending me emails that you are going to delete all of my contacts?
This stinks!!! I can't even send a group email to my friends , your new system STOPS IT COMPLETELY!!!! Is there a way around it, so it w
I can't do group emails any longer!!! Is there any way I can STILL do them??? I can't remember them all from my gray matter........PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!
Hallo, meine neuen E-Mails gehen sofort weg nachdem ich die abgetippt habe.
Gruß -
someone hacked my email
have 2 different emails i don’t know
Can’t find my listserve since update.
I used to have a way to access my complete list of contacts… particularly groups I have on listserves for group messaging. I can’t find that list now. Where has it gone???
group emails
Cannot do group emails! Hate your new format for my phone access. PLEASE put back old one!
Bring back the original format!!! This one sucks!!!
Bring back the original format!!! This format sucks!!! AND STOP THE ADS!!!
If you must change anything, put it back & fix contacts to delete/change batches; add info to be your primary contacts list
The format, method and process of AOL ORIGINAL Mail was fully integrated into the web and Intuitive to the needs of the millions who worķ and use as their home.
The Original AOL MAIL allows the user to create emails and never worry "where will this be in 24 hours?" Or wonder "how will I store this completed, e-signed contract so that it is safe from any theft, or hacking attempts?"
The Original AOL MAIL had all the answers.
The Original AOL MAIL was compact, concise, had everything we wanted in a mail program.Original AOL MAIL wasn't broken,…
This STINKS!!!----I HAVE NOW LOST ALL OF MY CONTACTS!! PUT THEM IN & go back to the old WAY!!!!
I HATE the New format!!!! I have also lost ALL MY CONTACTS!!! PUTTHEM BACK IN FOR ME!!!!
Auto add in contacts
Can you Not auto add contact. I get emails from countries that I don't know any one in. I like to add contacts myself. Please delete them .I have over 100 contacts that was auto added by AOL not by me please Stop Auto Contacts.
Bring back AIM
Guten Abend,heute morgen fiel ich aus allen Wolken,da mir Aol den Zugang zu meinen e-mail Konto verweigerte und alle meine Konten nach über 20jähriger Mitgliedsc haft bei Aol als gesperrt erklärte.
All meine Anmeldungen mit meinem bis jetzigen user namen und meine e-mail Adresse sind gesperrt und ich komme nicht mehr an meine alten e-mails und noch schlimmer nicht mehr an die von mir täglich wichtigen e-mail Kontakte.Dies finde ich als sehr schlimm und bin hierüber sehr verwundert.Musste mir hier den neuen Account freischalten um überhaupt wieder per e-mail kommunizieren zu können.Dies ist nicht gut und so sollte man langjährige… -
Hi I'm am DEAN Young just saying this this audio right now and wanting everybody knows this has been my email since I was 12 years old and I am Dean Wade Young at 1010 Oakwood drive yubaCity,95991- California the founder of IMI you are you and wr1 I also need to speak to a certain lady about a patented theft if not I will most definitely take legal actions. PS anybody know a good lawyer✓[🏴]
Delete numerous emails from one same sender with 1 click
If I have numerous messages from 1 sender over the past year. There should be an option to delete all the messages from that one sender.
Email updated
I am tax consultant
My groups in contacts have disappeared and I can't see a way to recreate them. They are vital to my use of aol mail.
My groups in contacts have disappeared and I can't see a way to recreate them. They are vital to my use of aol mail, so without them, I will have to stop using it.
What happen to my contacts?
How about the contacts?? What did y’all do to them!! This is why I stopped using the app!! Now y’all have taken it from the browser use.
I’ve been using the email for over 20 years. Guess it’s time to change. -
I do not want my email shared with contacts I do not know just because a friend sent me a group email.
I get emails occasionally that are sent to many people who are friends with the sender but not with me or each other. Normally in a group email I ignore all of the addresses but now I see that these people are ending up on my contact list which is getting really crowded.
- Don't see your idea?