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1392 results found

  1. Dump the Huffington Post

    Reading the feedback on your ongoing trashing Trump it's apparent to me that the majority of your paying customers have been with AOL for many years...I started with AOL back in the 1990's and no longer read the so called "news"...Get real folks most of us love this country and have accepted POTUS's that have given us nothing but endless wars, false promises and slogans.. Trump won in 2016 after sixteen years of Bush and Obama !! Trump has delivered despite the unrelenting schemes and falsehoods cooked up by the Democrats and their allies in the media. We shouldn't have…

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  2. return the political chat forum

    On the politics page was a link to a trump chat room....PLEASE replace this link.....I have friends I will lose!!! PLEASE

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  3. 1500th ranked

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  4. I


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  5. Jail

    Jail the phony AOL Writers

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  6. brain dead

    AOL kisses Biden's *** so much that it makes me throw up. AOL has facts or research on what is puts out. AOL is destroying America because it is a brain dead organization who hates Trump. They have no reason to hate Trump so that is how stupid they are. AOL, I wish your liberal editorial stall rots in **** and you need Jesus to pardon you.

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  7. Biased

    Please stop all the negative, biased news articles. I have been an AOL member for about 28 years and getting tired of the negativity. It would be nice for RESPECT to come back into the media's reporting. Not all of us look or think alike so let's respect our different opinions and choices and stop trying to shove your views down everyone's throat. R E S P E C T...Aretha said it best!

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  8. Separate from Huff Post -

    I've had my AOL email address since 1994. But I'm fed up with having to look at a page of Huff Post ******** every time I want to check my mailbox. It's ridiculous. That first headline, more often than not, is either an outright lie or an extremely biased take on a news event.

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  9. stop being such flaming libs in your's moronic.

    stop leaning affects your views on the world.

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  10. One screen story

    Put the story on one screen dumb ****. What a waste of time. You advertising doesn't sell more. You suck aol

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  11. Check your code in your mail application. It takes quite awhile to move around from menu to menu. This just started with me last week.

    Check your code in your mail application. It takes quite awhile to move around from menu to menu. This just started with me last week.

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  12. 4191st ranked

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  13. feedback

    Can't land a punch on the senile old *******..You people are a joke..Biden is a senile old moron. Now with the help of Bernie he can become a Commie like the rest of the Demorats.

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    AOL is full of ****

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  15. AOL's Cowardly and Biased Editorial Board Refuses to Identify Themselves,......

    In spite of AOL members pointing out your blatant political bias your cowardly editors refuse to identify themselves in order to avoid public scrutiny!

    Your 7/14/20 headline, "Republicans struggle to navigate President Trump's sinking approval" tells one side of the political equation.

    Editorial suggestion, Why not run a story about Joe Biden's obvious cognitive impairment that's been on display on the rare occasions that his handlers let him make a public appearance?

    Or, perhaps a story about how Joe Biden's Coke snorting son Hunter was put in charge of a 1.5 billion dollar Chinese hedge fund. (That ought to keep…

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  16. get a new weather forecaster

    this weather forecast changes drastically from one day to the next

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  17. Huff Post

    I see AOL used the Huff Post as its source of information when covering the Terry Crews -- Don Lemon discussion. The Huffington Post are a group of partisan hacks masquerading as journalists. Don't pretend something is news when it is only an opinion.

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  18. How can I access my email account w/o seeing those viscious pro-Trump ads?

    Repugnant/ divisive pro-Trump ads appear EVERY time I try to sign onto my email account. I find it repellent in all regards.

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  19. 4191st ranked

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  20. Racism

    That is part and parcel of the human nature like greed, stealing, lying, enveying, and many other treats that we demonstrate. If it wasn't the black people, than it would be the hispanics, and if not them than it would be the jews and if not them than the poor white or the eastern Europeans. In a village of less than 100 people you will find gossip and falsehood split in groups and can and does escalate into violence. We simply are Chimpanzees, that's all.

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