Every time a new site asks for my email I get email already taken. What gives?
Let your consumers know why some sites that ask for your email address reply with statement that your email is already taken

I feel if BIDEN & LeBron James place a ad out to the groups that is out in the street, This will Biden to win.
I can't find a way of mailing this information to them., So that way writing you. I hope that this email get to them.
LeBron James And Biden need to make up a Ad to ask the Black Lives matter and other groups to disband.
Mr. LeBron and Biden could tell those groups to disband, Because Trump will used those groups on the streets to help Trump to win general election. By using the law and order, He said no one will be safety.
Have those groups become Poll worker and vote to win this general election. By disbanding this will have incredible futures ahead of us.
and all the people that want this mad man Trump remove from office. Trump knows if he lose this election, Because of his income taxes, He can go to jail.
I hope LeBron James will contract Mr. Biden about doing a ad together and have those groups disband, become poll helper and
Take Care
Damien B. Toroc-Pow
Larry commented
I need more site
Anonymous commented
delete feedback
Jonnie khaoung commented
Marlon Cautino commented
I entered my email address but wouldn't let me in
Marlon Cautino commented
I entered my email address but wouldn't let me in. I had just joined my info a few days ago
Anonymous commented
.get with the past.
Lois Demus commented
Theres a account with your email go to forgot password send link to your email.