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189 results found

  1. Stop showing the news page before I can access my mail!!

    Stop showing the news page before I can access my mail. Also, too many adverts

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  2. Heading stories

    Remove political and sports stories from the entertainment Heading please?

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  3. Listen to what people are saying about the news you put on!


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  4. Just tell us you are not going to allow users to get to inbox first. You’ve been “gathering information” for months

    Just tell us you are not going to allow users to get to inbox first. You’ve been “gathering Information” for months…not sure what there is to gather as it’s pretty evident by feedback that’s what WE want. Just as obvious, you’re not interested in what we want.

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  5. Give back ability to press and hold email to select or give us a select button

    The new pop up menu when you press and hold an email to select it is cumbersome and makes it take longer as now instead of pressing and holding and then selecting the other emails you have to press and hold wait for the pop up menu and then press select from there. Either revert back or give us a select button that doesn’t automatically select all

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    There is other news besides Trump. He isn’t the the president anymore. Focus on what’s important. Do better AOL. Biden is the president not Trump. Stop obsessing over him.

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  7. Delete emails by sender

    Be able to sort and delete emails in bulks based on domain and sender.

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  8. Why would you change the default to news feed. This encourages me to go to another service!

    If your going to change the default to news as opposed to going straight to my inbox then make it easier to default back to my inbox. I don’t want to see the news on my email! Terrible decision!

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  9. Please allow the user to choose to go directly to their email without going to news.

    The recent change to force users to look at news is upsetting to those of us who don’t wish to look at the news, which is mostly political in nature. Please at least give the option to look at mail first.

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  10. I don’t want to see news

    I am here for email only not heavily one sided news. I will likely be changing emails over this which is a shame. Long time aol user.

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  11. Open aol app with new mail

    Open aol app with new mail

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  12. 27th ranked

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  13. Fix old mail badge count bug

    Please correct old bug (2021) where new email badge (iPhone 14) does not display the number until you open the inbox. This has happened for

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  14. Stop showing the news first.

    Stop showing your ****** news page

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  15. What the???? I DO NOT WANT TO OPEN APP TO NEWS. Open to my email is why I have the app.

    Go back to the version that let users open app to email on their iPhone

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  16. Provide just email access.

    I can’t stand seeing the news every time I want to open my email, especially when it’s all liberal choices. I am thinking if changing my email and migrating emails.

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  17. Email issue

    iPhone 14 Cursor gets lost in middle of writing an email. Returns if you tap at place you left off

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  18. Allow us to open mail folders other than new mail .Right now the app will not allow it.Fix quickly.

    Fix app to allow us to access mail folders other than only new mail.

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  19. I want AOL to open in INBOX; not HOME

    I want my AOL to open in INBOX; not HOME so nice I use it for mail and not news.

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  20. Stop showing News.

    You ask for ideas, but I see your not taking your followers and users inputs. I guess everyone will just have to go to gmail accounts where liberal news isn’t shoved down our throats. I will give it a little more time to see if you make any changes. But I doubt you will.

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