Need more advanced analytics features and settings to look at weekly/aggregate data. Data needs to be continuously accessible.
You cannot set different time spams for the logs and then you cannot see the average for one week or for one month. You cannot export all the data, basically; you can export the events themselves and the number of events, but you cannot export the attributes, the percentage of users that did the event in one way, the percentage of users that used the event in other way. Crashlytics Answers is too basic. We would like to have a bit more insight and to have a bit better and easier access to data, and actually haveaccess to data, because Answers has 30 days of data and then you can see the graph and that's all. We'd like to see some averages for one week, for the second week, for these 10 days, for this month, and we usually have to calculate it by ourselves, if possible. Sometimes its not possible, so its taking a bitmore time.