You have 52 pages of complaints (or suggestions) with about 15 suggestions on each page. That approxates 780 problem areas with most having several votes. Do you think you might be having a problem? I can or will not read through 780 complaints. I read through the first 3 pages and most appear to be unwanted changes AOL is making without any notice or option to reject. As said before, we do not want your changes. I have had AOL since 2000. I, as many before me have said, have stayed with AOL because it stayed basically the same. Any minor changes were intuitive. For the first 22 years I never had to call customer support. Over the last 2 years ( approximately) I have had to call probably 8 times because of some change you made to email. Typically that was after 2-3 hours of trying to " fix" it myself. One time was i able to get my email restored to a more sensible version. Most of the other cantacts with tech support, they didn’t know what was going on with the newest modification and spent up to an hour with me trying to figure out what happened. Occasionally I would be put "on hold" so they could contact their supervisor. On acouple occasions they were immediately aware of the change. But with one other exception, when you had essentially disabled email, most techs agreed the change might be a problem for me, and some other users, but their final conclusion was the change was made and that was the way it was going to be.
I don’t know who you are attempting to appeal to, kids will never think AOL is cool. Most of us who signed up in the 90's and oo's have continued to pay because it was always comfortable, understandable, and never changed. But whoever you hired about 2 years ago to attempt change you stodgy image, is doing much more harm than good.