Dennis Laskowsky
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How about reporting the true story of the incident with the Detroit police SUV and protestors. The officers were parked guarding the entrance to Vernor Highway when they were viciously attacked by the protestors. The protestors were rocking the vehicles jumping on the roof and hood of the police car causing significant damage to the vehicles when the back window of one of the vehicles was shattered the officer thought he was being shot at so vacated the scene in fear for his life. The planning of the attack was over heard by one of the protestors when when the planners said lets go do in those cops she contacted the police with a recording of the planning of the attack on the officers and she left the scene for her own safety. The message was confirmed by the Detroit Police Chief and agrees the officers were in immanent danger and had no other choice but to drive through the violent crowd. These were not protestors they were violent attackers. All you are doing is inflaming the situation and making things worse in the nation when you report only partial facts from the protestors side. That is not reporting unbiased, investigated and vetted news like the old true reporters did. That's is why it is called fake news. At least some of the Detroit stations got it right and reported the whole story.