AOL App For Android
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Tell us how we can improve your AOL App experience. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review regularly and take them very seriously.
1650 results found
take me directly to my email and not the news feed. speaking of which, there is a lot of clickbait headlines and proofreading errors.
When I click to open the app I want to go directly to my email, not your news. Edit your headlines to curb baiting interest. I'm not interested in creative free speech from the media. If you are bringing news then just report it as is. My example for today is a news headline in which punctuation was missed or omitted and it changed the meaning of the story. "Woman 'infatuated' with Columbine dead", should have been "woman 'infatuated' with Columbine, dead." or just put one more word (found) in front of dead.
let me leave my reciew.
review. cannot leave my review
The "new" app is a giant leap backwards. Please include the subject line when transmitted to my smartwatch for each email notification.
would like to see each email's subject line on my smartwatch. The watch and android phone communicate via bluetooth. This feature worked before the "new" app and continues to do so for my other email provider (gmail).
when are you going to make it possible to email videos? And is there an app for just emails? Not interested in news, sports, gossip etc.
The email system is not fit for use and previous posts on this subject have said so and of course media either doesn't listen or ignore.
Just look at the already posted issues and see if they have sudstance and act if positive.
everything on here now is referring you to blacks. black mask makers, black. influencers. There are other races out there doing the same!
Your gearing everything towards blacks. Other races are existing right now & suffering too
Please make it possible and easy to download a photo embedded in an AOL email.
After repeated attempts I was still unable to find a way to download embedded photos from an AOL app email. Please make it possible and easy to download a photo embedded in an AOL email.
I had great, safe app in bluemail, but soon you will not support that app. so I have installed the app and now cannot select different tone.
I cannot select different notification tones for my two mail accounts, despite your site saying I can. so now I have one tone for everything in my phone. Not happy when I had a good safe app in bluemail which allowed different tones, which you will soon not support.
I'd like an option to not rate the app. I find it annoying that I have to say yes that I like the app or leave feedback.
I also don't like that I have to subscribe to post my comment. I'm using the app so you already have my information.
Why am I seeing ads at the top of my email inbox?
How do I remove ads above my email inbox on my phone?
Open the app on email page. Update the app, so it opens on the email page. Then one would not have to look at the news if you didn't want to
no need for further detail.
However, you could also cut the ads. -
I just want to read my emails. why do I have to look at the news first and as for the adverts, I get one at the top of my inbox.
I just want to read my emails.
that is why I have a third party app to do so. no news, no ads.
however, I have been informed by AoL that, they are going to block third party apps in October and the easiest way to read emails after that is with the AoL app.
why can't AoL make an email app, then AoL can play third party to everyone else.
I would be just as happy if AoL cut the ads at the top of my inbox and gave an option to open the app on the Mail page,… -
I use aol email but they my phone email account. it's easier
I see we are going to have to start using the app. Not really excited about that
I only use this for email, and only because I've had my email address since it was Apple Developers Network. aol makes me use it
aol limits my access via other apos
- Don't see your idea?