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869 results found
BEHEshTI is iran'S arab-ethnicity-terrorist and iran'S terrorist-government SENT to Britain AS islam'S proPHet from Mecca ++++++https://en.m
terrorism information
get rid of you liberal ultra left wing news stories.
you're to left wing!
I'm upset that Yahoo News took over my AOL News, which I cannot get back. I dislike Yahoo's way of forcing junky news on my personal profile
Please Remove Yahoo News from my AOL Account.
I don't like seeing your news before I get to the apps and when I do look at your news it's a Never Ending Story page after page after page
in your newsfeed I have to press press press for more pages and pages and pages and never get to the ******* subject so I quit watching your nose
how to change news feed
I like other news, not just Yahoo or AP news. I'd like to choose which feeds to see.
Stop with the far left slanted news. A large portion of your readers are not radical leftist or Trump haters apparently you have become one
Not a Socialist freeloader
what is wrong with your organisation? I can't believe you would post graphic shooter videos. OMG!!!!!
quit posting graphic news articles depicting graphic shooting!!!!!!!!!!
get rid of Yahoo news. It is a joke.
Subscribe to a real news outlet. Maybe something like OAN.
Post real, balanced news articles. Anything that is politically based is so left leaning and one sided it's nauseating.
Report the honest facts, good or bad, on all institutions and both political parties. Also lose the corrupt fact checkers.
I suggest you get back to reporting and drop the Democratic agenda.
you have absolutely nothing that the American people are interested in.
You are getting far too liberal again. yahoo's influence on the news is nothing but left wing lies and propaganda. We don't need that
another complaint about liberal yahoo lies.
Remove the liberal-biased news page or at least make it optional. The fake news and obvious bias is revolting.
remove the news page
stop the liberal Democrat bias and suppression of the truth.
AOL displays a clear bias. Try real journalism.
get rid of yahoo news feed......
stop pushing your new feed on a paid service.
Please allow a setting where we have the option to choose if we want "News" upon opening the AOL account or "Emails." I'd rather see emails
I don't want to see the "News" upon opening my account. I'd rather have my email account as the first thing I see when I open my account. I don't watch the news because it's depressing, so I don't want to see it when I open my email account. I use AOL strictly for emailing purposes only. Why can't an AOL user have the option under Settings to decide what appears on the Home page upon opening their account? AOL has had enough negative feedback re this matter and I'm baffled as to why they haven't done anything to resolve…
- Don't see your idea?