AOL App For Android
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870 results found
Do a Bigfoot feature.
These days, times everyone has a cellphone with a camera. Someone out there has got to have a picture of Bigfoot.
don't use so many swear words
'how to avoid baggage charges' - any need for so much bad language? bloody, ****** is bad enough but the c word. Really?
too much uninteresting info
don't want gossip/ celebrity news
please I need every information about my country Ghana in this app
I want every details of my country
When are you going to add an AOL Latinamerican Edition. I suggest Southamerica: Chile-Argentina-Bolivia-Perú-Ecuador-Colombia-Venezuela.
AOL Southamerica Edition.
don't want or need to hear about the worst ex president in the the last 25 yrs!! leave American discrace!! god bless the g
god bless the great Donald J Trump!!
App will only work in one orientation, with the cord cutting into my stomach. Hire a programmer who has enough brains to correct this!
technically inadequate
just stop all the localised **** x are rushing for this, x are expecting that, x have discovered this! it really is undermining society
more detail, how much more detail do you want
NOT post pictures of the poor Auburn gymnast with her legs broken in your front page!!! they are horrific and traumatic, especially to kids!
you could have just posted the header or a picture of the gymnast BEFORE the accident. What is wrong with you people....
I am News me hereb.
Allow users to select default tab. I only want the News tab, for example, not Main. I don't care about Entertainment, for example.
"Main" news, the default, is cluttered with things I don't care about. I just want non-entertainment, non-sports, evening news-like content.
- Don't see your idea?