AOL App for iOS
This forum is for you to make product suggestions and provide thoughtful feedback. We’re always trying to improve our products and we can use the most popular feedback to make a positive change!
This forum is not monitored for any support-related issues. If you need assistance of any kind, please visit our help site.
Tell us how we can improve your AOL App experience. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review regularly and take them very seriously.
169 results found
Lost composed emails beware
Recommend to users not to compose long emails on the iOS app as you can easily lose them by any accidental touching the screen, etc. I just wrote an email twice and lost them by touching screen.
Thank you for the review, we will pass it along to our product team.
In order to delete an email while reading it, please tap the trash icon.
Not getting help
You guys suck
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I need help
Not getting any help
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Need help
I really need somebody to answer me please nobody is I need to know a couple things before the 20th but that’s not gonna happen
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Need help
I’m not getting any answers from aol And if I do I don’t understand it it’s confusing this is ridiculous I don’t know why were even why you are even doing what you’re doing with the email what you did with the accounts we can’t create accounts we can’t do anything anymore. They don’t like the set up of the app and the pictures for both app and website.
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I do not believe Apple Store is allowing the download of the AOL APP.
Have gone to Apple Store several times to download the AOL necessary APP and Apple does not allow it. I haven't seen how. I believe there are a lot of AOL members with the same problem to be resolved before Oct 20
While the connection you have been using may still work and was once the best, a better, more secure option is available. Basic auth is an older authentication method. A more secure authentication method called OAuth2 is now available. To ensure your account remains secure, we are requiring all applications to support OAuth2. You can of course continue to use your preferred email application after October 20th, however you need to follow these steps:
Thank you for submitting your feedback. Unfortunately, we are not sure what your comments were about and are unable to properly action your feedback. Could you please provide a bit more detail for us on what you’re commenting on? Thank you so much, and have a great day!
Not feedback
What do you mean I have to make changes to my third-party app I just want to know one thing do I lose everything when I delete the AOL app and put it back on because I’m having so many problems please answer I don’t know why you guys are changing this and you never answered me about anything because I had to use somebody else’s post to get an answer. Someone please please help me
If you’re using the AOL Mail App or the AOL webmail you do not need to make any changes to your email account. Only members that use a 3rd party mail app are required to make changes to their emails.
Not feedback
What is going to happen to my email accounts if I delete the app or change phones or whatever. Because I’m having some problems with the app and aol as well. A lot of things need to be added.I don’t understand why you guys are doing this. You took our ability to make accounts away are you taking this away and then not sure why. Sometimes I need to delete the app for some reason whatever the reason is what’s going to happen when they do that on the 20th. I need an answer please scared of everything
Hi there. You will need to make changes on your account only if you’re using a 3rd party mail app. Here you can find all the steps:
Spinning circle next to WiFi
How do you stop the spinning next to the WiFi while using the aol app?
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Where are my sent emails?
Trying to send emails and don’t know if the went through or not. Shows 2 are sent, but can’t find them anywhere so don’t know if they actually went or not?
In order to access your Sent folders, swipe right and tap on Sent.
It’s really hard to use this app I’m used to the third-party that comes with the phone I hate change nobody even answered my other idea and I can’t forward I don’t know how to forward sent mail because it doesn’t say it I don’t know what things mean please help
In order to forward an email, please tap the arrow in the lower right corner and after that tap on Forward.
New mail app
I do not like this app. Can’t mark mail as unread once it is open.
In order to mark an email as unread, simply swipe it right.
No Subject When Reply or Forward Emails
I spoke to AOL technical support and followed their suggestions to fix the problem. I was unsuccessful. Please fix the problem which is that the subject from the original email disappears when I reply or forward that original email. The subject line comes up “(no subject)” on the reply or forward email.
I have a couple of troubleshooting steps for you that should resolve this issue:
1. Clear the app’s cache
2. If you’re signed in, tap the Settings icon, tap Manage Accounts, then tap Edit, tap Remove
3. Uninstall and reinstall the app
4. Restart your mobile device
5. Lastly, switch the internet connection from WiFi to mobile data. -BR -
... When Replying & Forwarding. For the last several weeks, or so. Please correct. Thx.
I have a couple of troubleshooting steps for you that should resolve this issue:
1. Clear the app’s cache
2. If you’re signed in, tap the Settings icon, tap Manage Accounts, then tap Edit, tap Remove
3. Restart your mobile device
4. Lastly, switch the internet connection from WiFi to mobile data. -
Siri keeps telling me about a new mail folder, but I can’t find it. There’s no name shown. Can’t find anything on desktop either.
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I downloaded the AOL app and can no longer access the emails that I have flagged .
How do I access my flagged emails i. the AOL app?
In order to help you with this issue, please go to your inbox, tap on “All” in the upper right corner and then select “Flagged”.
Auto-add contacts
Is there a way to turn off the feature that adds email to my contacts? That would be nice because I have a lot of spam emails in my contacts.
We are sorry, but this feature is not available.
Thank you for submitting your feedback. Unfortunately, we are not sure what your comments were about and are unable to properly action your feedback. Could you please provide a bit more detail for us on what you’re commenting on? Thank you so much, and have a great day!
- Don't see your idea?