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  1. For 3 days i have not been able to click on the revolving news

    the news in the box ,that revolves up tp 60 storys, cannot be accessed by clicking on them

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    Video How To Encrypt emails is never available. Are your emails private or is all your information on the dark web because AOL is lacks in security?

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    Your AOL emails are transmitted over a secure encrypted connection. If you are looking for a feature to encrypt the content of the email, so that only you and the recipient can decrypt, unfortunately this is not available in AOL Mail.

  3. Odd question but how can we find all the posts we've made answering on various stories?

    Please devise a way for each person to be able to see all the posts they've made throughout time. I'm looking for some of mine that were apparently answered and cannot find them. HELP. If there is already a way, PLEASE teach me. Thank you.

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    You can see all your feedback and the ideas you have supported, on the main page of Uservoice, once you select a specific AOL product. On the top right corner (under your username) you will have an option “My Feedback”. Click on that and you will see all your feedback and the ideas you voted.

  4. Maybe stop trying to suppress conservative ideas and comments ????

    Every time I post on the message boards you guys either kick my computer off the website or you do something to make it SO SLOW WHEN I TYPE something it makes me not want to finish the thought. But I finish it anyway just because you're not going to silence me !!!!! You guys are petty in the ways you try to silence an opposing view. A couple years ago I didn't have this problem and now you guys have weaponized your message boards to make things hard to get an opposing view across !! When I post something…

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    If you continue to be disconnected from the page when posting comments, we suggest clearing your cookies and cache or switch to a different browser like Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.

    Some comments may not be posted in the AOL community. Images and some comments will be flagged in our system prior to becoming public.
    Here are some reasons why your comments may be flagged:
    - Language (Examples may include: all caps, inappropriate words, etc.)
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    In order to create the best possible experience for everyone, we request that you abide by the AOL Community Guidelines, our core code of conduct, in all of your activities on AOL Services. For more information, please view our community guidelines:

    Comments are being sorted by default by “Best”. If you would like to see your comments as soon as they are posted, make sure to select the…

  5. By making sure that the Weather at is correct. For quite some time, the weather foreast for Danvers, MA 01923 has been incorrect.

    Please correct the forecast to show the correct temperatures. It's been showing ridiculous temperatures like, for example, 22 degrees when it's really in the 80s and 90s. For Danvers, MA 01923, the temps have been incorrect for a while now.

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    Sounds like you might have the weather set up to show the temperature in Celsius degrees instead of Fahrenheit degrees. Please go to your weather report and in the top center of the page, you will have two options, click the F option.

  6. Problem(s) with outsourced function

    The "Conversation" section at the bottom of news articles continues to be plagued with technical problems. e.g. for months now when trying to review my "activity" after viewing a few entries there is a supposed live link that says "Show 5 more..." or whatever the number of posts for that particular article. It DOESN'T WORK and apparently no one has attempted to fix it. I've been on AOL for 20 years next month and participating in the so called "conversations" for going on two years.
    That outsourced function has been a major source of frustration!

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  7. News articles don't open as they used to. Pictures are thumbnails!!!!

    Articles do not open except as a column, photos are thumbnails! Doesn't happen in Firefox, only Safari. FIX IT!!!!!

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  8. Stop Imgsync

    Stop harassing us with this imgsync ****

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    We are not associated with Imgsync. Please run a virus scan and contact your local IT department for further assistance.

  9. Remove TelePrompTer text

    I can’t see the videos because TelePrompTer text covers the tv screen. Please remove.

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    In order to turn off the closed captions, hover your cursor over the video (or tap on it if you’re using a mobile device) and click on the CC button.



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  11. TROLLS and the games they play

    find out who is booting users out of comments to mail sign in Because it has happened to me at least 10-15 times and speed up your service I don't have these problems on ANY other website so I know it's on your end to take care of.

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  12. Where is Fox News? Why are you discriminating?

    Why are you continually blocking Fox News?
    I have paid for AOL for over 25 years.
    I know you are not a USA company and I doubt you care about one person-Take my money and don't deliver product!

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    Responded  ·  Product Support responded

    Thanks for your feedback. You can change the source of content on the homepage. Click News on AOL below LATEST HEADLINES. A drop down will appear with multiple new sources, click on the one you would like to view and the LATEST HEADLINES will automatically refresh. This can be applied for all 5 news options in that row (i.e. Entertainment, Lifestyle, Sports, Finance, Latest).

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