Your HELP lines do not work.
Access Denied
You don't have permission to access "" on this server.
Reference #18.a4b31bb8.1576107317.c4f723d9
This is the response I get when I try to get to Fox News. All other news services are accessible.
If I use another server, I can access Fox News.
To compound the problem, I tried to report this to AOL. Your Email support was non-existent, and after logging on to the Chat for help, I received no response for 20minutes.

We’re sorry to hear about your experience. It’s certainly our expectation and desire that you receive the highest quality service when working with customer support. We’re sad to hear that it sounds like you did not.
Rest assured that we’ve captured your complaint and will make sure your experience is shared with others in an effort to prevent this in the future.