Stop blocking words that you're using right in the articles themselves
Ok, the topic is abortion. I cant type "abort babies"
the topic is Joseph Weiner, and I cant type his name?
the topic is pedophilia and an arrest, and I cant type the word "pedophilia" in the comments section?
People seem to be able to post the phrase "black people" but yet "white people" cant be typed?
You cant type, "she's hot" even if the sentence was, "If the kid is in a carseat and she says she's hot, then obviously turn on the air"
You cant type, kill. killer, bombed, bomb, blow up, mass shoot, wipe out, or kill yourself. even if the story was about suicide ...oh yeah, you cant type suicide...
If the story is about a killer, we cant type the word killer? if the story is about someone who is a famous up and coming artist, you cant type, "this guy is about to blow up"
if the story is about science and I type, Lets say, I blow up a balloon" I get flagged for the term, Blow up
yet the phrase "do all the crime" and "do most of the crime" is allowed? explain a situation where one can use that unless its blaming a race, for doing crime or someone trying to defend it.
You cant type "preteen years." because apparently, "preteen" is only in reference to "***********..." which is ANOTHER word you cant type.
Mary Tyler Moore...**** Van Dyke... Blocked.
Due to the word *, and Dyke. So * Chaney cannot be typed. or **** Cavett Mobey ****. If we are talking about banning books, and I cant type that book,
Lets say the story was about a sports guy fined for saying *** to a player. And I type, "***" was originally a word for a cigarette and also not scene as negative, and now it he should know better"
I get flagged. defending OR opposing.
the words Bullets, grenade, and slaughter. banned.
these words can be found in movie names. I cant type KILL BILL in a story about uma thurmand?
youre trying to hard to protect grown people's eyes. IF YOUR STORY CAN SAY IT, and we are not offended and hiding our eyes, neither should the comment section..
obviously youre tying to pull e demographic on aol as apposed to yahoo. aol is for GOP folk and you want to incite them to comment and dont want to attract Dems that might comment against them. I get that... but youre doing too much.