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  1. A group of "bipartisan" lawmakers visits Syria?

    You call it bipartisan because Pelosi let ONE republican go? This is the kind of BS news we are sick of. Since when are democrats interested in war, except to protest?

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  2. Get current.

    No story on Yankees win over Astros. AOL should show stories that people care about and not all the fluff **** and old stuff that is put out. Is it laziness or just plain ineptness? AOL had better improve or people are going to stop looking at this inane ****!!

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  3. Let the "news media" just report the NEWS!!

    Too much "disunity" in our Nation and the MEDIA is providing the fuel!! Time for all parties to tone it down and just speak to the issues. It would also help if everyone worked the problems and not their mouths so much!! Unfortunately, the MEDIA has taken sides and is adding fuel to an already bad situation!!

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  4. Polls

    I see you are trying to convince us that Trump is going to lose. Meanwhile, the democrats are falling apart. This will be a repeat of the '96 election, only it will go the other way. Not only that, you already know what presidential polls are worth right now. I've heard a bunch of past polls at about this time and 99 percent were wrong. And why? Because it was you liberal pundits that took the polls.... You know it's true. Will you wait until 9:00PM election night to get it right.

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  5. G7

    Trump plays you pundits like a well-tuned violin. He knew exactly what YOUR response would be. AND YOU PEOPE AT AOL PASS ON THE BS LIKE THE COMPLICIT LITTLE PEOPLE YOU ARE!

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  6. Proofread.....Felicity Huffman if officially behind bars, and now we know a bit more about what her two weeks in prison will look like.

    Who proofreads....Felicity Huffman if officially behind bars, and now we know a bit more about what her two weeks in prison will look like.

    Should be

    Felicity Huffman is officially behind bars, and now we know a bit more about what her two weeks in prison will look like.

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  7. Democrats about face

    How many times have we heard the democrats decry ANY war? NOW, suddenly they are against withdrawal, because it's TRUMP. Does that seem odd to anyone else but me? The rule of thumb here is, democrats pick their stance on issues to be the exact opposite of conservatives. NO MATTER WHAT

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  8. I have asked before, please remove the picture of Trump with his fist raised like Nazi salute or Russia's flag with the hammer and sickle.

    I have asked before, please remove the picture of Trump with his fist raised like Nazi salute or Russia's flag with the hammer and sickle. It is very disgusting, offensive, and ugly.

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  9. Bidens

    Why did Hunter Biden resign if he's doing nothing wrong. Just because he and his dad deny and YOU and your buddies give them a pass, does not mean they aren't up to their eyeballs in the swamp. There has been noooo real investigation into their crimes. But, they don't hold a candle to what the clintons did.........The media and the left-wing politicians have an evil and promiscuous relationship.

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  10. Shame on AOL for amplifying this president's bullying, unprofessional, inappropriate comments on Joe Biden in your headline. Be better.

    The idea is don't sink to the president's unpresidential level. Shame on AOL for amplifying this president's bullying, unprofessional, inappropriate comments on Joe Biden in your headline. Be better.

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  11. Sec. Carson Will Resign

    Sec. Carson Will Resign
    Ben Carson, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, will resign by the end of November 2019.

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  12. Why vote on impeachment

    The dems don't want to vote on impeachment, even though that's the way it's always been done. Here's why: Once they vote on impeachment, when the senate tries the case, they will expose the lies, and expose the BS that the democrats have been spewing for 3 years. On the other hand the President has no obligation to give anything to the democrats. The longer this goes on, the more the public will find out just how corrupt the democrats are. I'm sure when the dems see a Trump rally, they think the only way they can get rid of…

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  13. You can allow people who are against trump to voice their opinions without censoring us

    I will stop reading aol forums because aol is biased. I will stop reading any news from aol. I will stick with Gmail, Yahoo. aol you SUCK and so does YOUR president. you are NOT worth my time

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  14. Trump and Ukraine narrative falling apart

    What will it be next, now that the Trump/Ukraine narrative is falling apart? You have statements from Ukraine officials blowing Schiff(less) of the water and the new story form the nyt (imagine them doing real journalism) saying Joe and Hunter should be investigated. Wring your hands for a few minutes and then continue participating in the lies and obfuscation.

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  15. Biden "votes" for impeachment

    Isn't that rich. While you all are in denial about Biden and his son's corrupt involvement in Ukraine. Trump has every right to root out the corruption that has tried to negate the '16 election from before it happened. Remember "the insurance plan"?

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  16. Stonewalling?

    Trump gave up the transcript of the phone call. There's nothing in the phone call, so story over and ended. YOU and the lying democrat leadership are the only ones who keep on with the fake russian collaboration and "obstruction" YOU and your buddies have been moving the goal posts for 3 years now because you don't like the 2016 election results. YOU and your buddies now want to change all the rules so only the far left liberal/socialists win and no one else. YOU want to do away with the first two amendments of the constitution and that's the…

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  17. Your AOL News Feed Has Been hacked again today, this is the second time in a week!!!

    Your AOL News Feed Has been hacked again! This is the second time in a week. One more time and I will cancel my account and just use Gmail! Fix it!

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    10/6/19 - Get rid of the third party you use to handle and censor comments to the AOL stories you put on your site. The system only works about 5% of the time and their latest change is ridiculous - AT BEST.

    AOL has been sliding down the abyss faster than ever before since it was absorbed out of bankruptcy by Verizon...

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  19. We're glad you're here

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  20. There is no local news for Kingston, NY 12401 from the Daily Freeman any more. Why not? Original Message: There is no local news for Kingsto

    There is no local news for Kingston, NY 12401 from the Daily Freeman any more. Why not?
    Original Message: There is no local news for Kingston, NY 12401 from the Daily Freeman any more. Why not?

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