Why vote on impeachment
The dems don't want to vote on impeachment, even though that's the way it's always been done. Here's why: Once they vote on impeachment, when the senate tries the case, they will expose the lies, and expose the BS that the democrats have been spewing for 3 years. On the other hand the President has no obligation to give anything to the democrats. The longer this goes on, the more the public will find out just how corrupt the democrats are. I'm sure when the dems see a Trump rally, they think the only way they can get rid of Trump is to try their brand of impeachment, which is having YOU and your buddies "try" him in the headlines every day by lying about him and the process. It is YOU and the dem leaders that are putting our country at risk, not Trump. But you don't care, because YOU have Trump derangement syndrome.