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495 results found
The only uproar is from YOU and your lefty buddies! Roger Stone is an angel compared to Comey and the rest of his conniving buddies. Where were you during Fast and Furious. Where were you when Bill met Loreta Lynch on the tarmac to “talk about grand children”? Those were the real criminals for AG’s
Attack is all the Dems know.
Real criminals are being let go in New York and you dem pundits and leaders think Stone should serve 9 years for nothing? Just another show of your despicable hypocrisy.
YOUR headlines
So much BS so little news in your headlines. Nothing about Schiff's lies, nothing about E Warren's "mis-speaks". Not only is she not Indian, but she was NOT fired from a teaching job for being pregnant. YOU people are so patently pathetic in your coverage!
Fake News, MSM bashing our great President. Your bias is awful
Stop bashing our great President. I am changing e-mail service to get away from AOL bias.
Schiff bottom line
Schiff has been lying for almost 3 years. He again lied today in his statement before congress. I would be frustrated as **** if he were lying about me every day. The 2nd hand (or 3rd) knowledge of the "whistle blower report"proves nothing. Lying Schiff has had this report on his desk since August. The timing of this is very suspect. The Steele dossier (paid for by dnc and hillary) was fake. Biden is recorded on video admitting to having a prosecutor fired by threatening to withhold money. You media types have noooooo shame. This is just a continuation of…
More evidence against Trump?
You and your leftist buddies always pick someone who has an ax to grind against Trump. And they always lie. I saw a montage of YOU lefty pundits drooling on Avenatti. What a bunch of losers!
I would love it if you could keep the home page less offensive
quilt putting disgusting images on the home page. today I have Bill Oriley in my face. He is a slimey ******* and after what he did he should be in media purgatory
NEUTRAL !..please !..AOL is so far left, I can't even read articles anymore
Try printing unbiased articles for a change
All you lousy bastards do is print garbage about the president and his family. The media is one of the most un-American entities in existence. Every day we have to see your **** about Trump. All he has done is make America first and foremost. The market reaches new highs every day. Unemployment is the lowest it has been since 1970. Never do we hear about the good he has done. You make me sick. You cowards.
Too many clickbait sites in your news feed.
There are way too many clickbait sites in your news feed. I enjoy the ease of browsing the news and interesting stories from the front page but it's gotten ridiculous. One site had over 20 pages and still nothing about the headline.
More Parnas
YOU say "we" have communications between Parnas and Nunes aide. We say we have a phone record of Schiffty talking to what he thinks is a Russian with "information on Trump"
Trump vs Obama golf
YOU lefties didn't seem to mind all the money that Obama spent or how much it cost to "protect" him on his Hawaii trips or buying Michelle burgers on her Europe trip. YOU people are just blithering transparent hypocrites. (Let's talk about the billions in cash that obama sent to iran. We could have built 2 wall with that. Instead it was spent on missiles to shoot at us and to refine uranium. DON'T EVEN START ON THIS BS JOURNEY!
6:38 PM--Just tried to read story about the 51 year old mystery about missing French submarine. Clicking on the story led nowhere. ??
Have computer test links for broken links.
I see your "go to guy" was just arrested again, in the middle of a disciplinary hearing by the Bar Association of California. He was arrested by IRS agents. How did that 24/7 coverage work out for you? And all that in the two tiered justice system.
Trump or Obama?
Must be the same people who predicted hillary winning. If you call making a feckless nuke deal, that would ultimately give the iranians nukes, or if you call sending $150 billion in cash to the iranians to fund terrorism good, then obama wins hand down. Only people who listened to fake news might think obama did "better". Wasn't that after obama's apology tour?
Trump's name is on DOJ's National *** Offenders List
Donald Trump
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW,
Washington, DC 20500Dear Mr. Trump:
Oct 26, 2019
You must register as a *** offender because at least five your accusers in both New York and Florida are minors at the time. It is a federal crime knowingly fail to register or update your registration as required pursuant to the *** Offender Registration and Notification Act (SORNA).
Mr. Trump, as a repeated offender you must provide your social security number, addresses, fingerprints and DNA sample. For your privacy, not all your personal information will be made available to the public.… -
Correct usage of our online media news space.
Danke for the excellent service. I am writing to ask from you whether our UN News office can obtain from you exclusive media coverage rights on your online media space that now is illegally occupied by the trashy magazines that since summer 2015 you specified from your online policies and rules that trashy magazines are not legal on your online media space.
Elizabeth Warren shuts down NO ONE!
Elizabeth Warren has flip flopped on this Iran thing. I dare YOU to post all her tweets and statements she has made on this issue. What a failure! NONE of the democrats have any workable idea about foreign affairs. All they can talk about it socialism. A majority of Americans DON'T WANT SOCIALISM. And most of the ones that do, have NOOOO idea what they are talking about, they just think it means free stuff. And by the way, we don't want a president who kisses Iran's behind and gives them $150 billion so they can make war on us…
- Don't see your idea?