YOUR headlines
So much BS so little news in your headlines. Nothing about Schiff's lies, nothing about E Warren's "mis-speaks". Not only is she not Indian, but she was NOT fired from a teaching job for being pregnant. YOU people are so patently pathetic in your coverage!
Anonymous commented
Your headline says Federal Troops (Is that YOU,Nancy?) Then YOUR story quickly changes to "Agents". NICE TRY AOL, YOU STINK, JUST LIKE THE REST OF YOUR LIBERAL PUNDITS AND BUDDIES IN THE DEMOCAT PARTY!!!!!!!!!! THAT WAS PLANNED, NOT A MISTAKE! WILL YOU ADMIT TO THE NIGHTLY VIOLENCE, EVEN BEING CALLED OUT BY LIBERAL NEWSPAPERS? OH, and by the way, the polls are changing, because they have to be "more accurate" right before the election.
Anonymous commented
Moderate the headlines so as not to appear you're spokesmen for Fox.