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  1. None

    On June 11, 2018, you posted a video about a father with a son who has cerebral palsy. The father figured out how to create an orthotic, using a 3D printer, that allows his son to walk. I want to know if he can make one for my wife, who has not been able to walk since she suffered a stroke in 2009. You mentioned in the video that the father had created a company, but you did not say what its name is. Can you give me that company name?
    Tom Fields

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  2. Cobra alert

    Biden's "long kiss" on the neck or in the hair is NOTHING compared to what he has done in his home with the men and women providing him security. Ask anyone about the "cobra" and then do some real reporting for just ONE time, instead of running stupid stories you get from your idiot liberal outlet's and websites.

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  3. Guacamole

    It's a sad day when guacamole is more important that national security and the rule of law.

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  5. Unhappiest State in the US?

    It's past time for AOL to check its story headlines. West Virginia may be "the unhappiest state", but it's NOT southern. It was never part of the confederacy and did not fight against the union. Maybe, you should check the facts before entering such information.

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  6. I quit your service

    You can take AOL and its service and shove it where the sun dosen't shine. I will not be bullied into paying for a service that I have used for years at no cost just no need for greed in todays world. in other words cancel my service.

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  7. My posts show likes but when I click on them it won't take me back to view

    When it shows response to my comments and I click on it, it won't take me back to look at them??? Very frustrating.

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  8. Avenatti

    Avenatti nonstop. How's that working out for you?

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  9. Not sure you can

    ENOUGH of the "Gut Doctor.." already. Like most of your "news", it's BS, and nobody gives a **** what he thinks anyway!

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  11. 1st amendment

    I see my last comment was not posted. It had no profanity or bad language. That means YOU didn't like my criticism so you trashed it. That, however, doesn't surprise me, the first amendment is only for the left in your world. You try to have it both ways, but you are actually fairly hypocritical.

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  12. Non members shouldn't be allowed to comment on articles.

    Non members shouldn't be allowed to comment on articles.

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  13. Roger Stone "arrest"

    mueller and company have nothing on Trump with this new arrest. The indictment actually shows there is NO Russian collusion. It's only another smoke screen to lengthen the investigation. Read back about hillary and her people lying to the fbi and not being held accountable. But it gives more fodder for the press. Last week's stories were the buzz feed flops and YOU trying to crucify the high school boys because they dared wear a MAGA HAT! Pathetic people you are!

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  14. Hope you'e not paying your "astrologer", as it would be worthless.

    Hope you'e not paying your "astrologer", as it would be worthless.

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  15. We're glad you're here

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  16. Allow “paste” for verification codes.

    On IOS, When I need to reset my password you send a code to me, I copy it and then try to paste it and there is no “paste” option, just “look up” — this is just poor UX

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  17. Why did you turn off my chrome aol?

    Allow Chrome AOL reappear

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  18. Bizarre Twist?

    The only thing bizarre about this whole thing is YOU calling it bizarre! There were doubts about jussie right away. There is nothing new to learn here. YOU and your leftist buddies are behaving and reporting as usual, with NO responsibility or journalistic integrity!

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  19. Can you please make your news more multiracial?

    AOL, If i was an alien and came to your website; I would think everyone on this planet is Caucasian. No Asian, Hispanic (Except for the wall debate) or Black news. 95-99% of the news on here features only Caucasians.

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  20. AOL loves immigrants

    Since AOL embraces migrants (e.g., illegal invaders), how many AOL employees will be taking them into their homes and communities? Please take them in and show us that big liberal heart.

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