1st amendment
I see my last comment was not posted. It had no profanity or bad language. That means YOU didn't like my criticism so you trashed it. That, however, doesn't surprise me, the first amendment is only for the left in your world. You try to have it both ways, but you are actually fairly hypocritical.

Lindsay commented
I will find a new home page, good luck on your new career. You are fired.
Lindsay commented
I have finally changed my mind about being rude, it has become personal.
Lindsay commented
Process this ,!,, jackasses
Lindsay commented
which means I am again being censored
Lindsay commented
I have been with you since 1994. You have seen my idea, you censor me consistently. I am never rude or vulgar I state my case but I am shut off, deleted and even to the point of you shutting down my computer, yes, you do it! I know it and so do you. I have the right to speak. You call yourself OAK & America On Line but you act like communist. I don't have to give your my email address, you already have my IPS. It I just more of your ********, you won't let this post any way.
sd commented
"fairly hypocritical" is the understatement of the century. Once again exposing the intolerance of the "tolerant".
Who can even digest or understand the "terms of service" that we're required to agree to in order to post an opinion. Another one sided tactic to suppress opinions for which you pretend to provide an open and unbias forum. Have much more to say but certain it wouldn't be posted since it's certainly not in line with the group think of this channel.