As Usual AOL creates two problems when there is only one.
I am a paying member so AOL offers live help. But one has to wait forever for the live help, so in addition to seeking a solution AOL frustrates the user by being forever creaky in its response.
Suggestion #1. Since live help is wasteful of the users time, why not provide a link for email directly on the "seeking help" page.
Suggestion #2. Why I'm writing this in the first place. I am getting increasing numbers of SPAM with the address that starts out UnknownSender@.... The remainder of the address varies. Is there some way I can automatically block this sort of email.
Suggestion #3. Since I am here. My only reasons for being an aol member is my email address which is linked to a variety of my activities and which would be burdensome to change and also is a safety backup for my gmail. I have absolutely NO USE for everything else that AOL offers, except, perhaps the web link which I occasionally click on. But AOL would NEVER be my primary search engine.
So is there any way, I can get rid of all the attention grabbing garbage that constitutes 90%+ material that clutters up my computer and is an unwanted distraction. Believe me, the number of times I have nearly quit this site (as I mentioned I have a gmail account).
Thank you