I just want the answer from AOL in writing why AOL did not deliver my emails to the recipients? AOL must have reason to do that and I need t
I just want the answer from AOL in writing why AOL did not deliver my emails to the recipients? AOL must have reason to do that and I need the reason for my files to the public help and lawyer.
As I emailed you before and you trying to avoid me and pass me to where they do same as you. Why why why?
Hi AOL customer support, I need an answer before I take action for public help and …. Can you tell me why non off my emails those which are relate to promoting world peace for stopping all these wars and injustice and unfair things going on the world? I have some relatives and friends who are among those leaders emails list around the world which I sent several time emails but when I contact them with not my computer and email address some other, they told me none of my emails relate to world peace been deliver to them and they asked me I have to follow-up this matter which I am doing now and I need your answer why? Shain at; shainspeacedream@com
Also to avoid the problems unfairly you causing for me by stopping us to not be able to send our complains to AOL customer services and support is not a good solutions that what AOL are doing all the time, please see below;
What do you mean by; Email Us
Email support is currently unavailable due to COVID-19 health and safety considerations for our employees. For help with an issue, search our help articles. I need answer for your injustice and unfair action to waist my time and my achieving world peace dream.

Fort Nitro commented
Health and safety of employees comes first. The workplace is the place where the employee must ensure employee well-being for himself and other employees https://us.calmerry.com/mental-health-for-employees/ This will allow to support the employee, both morally and physically
Pierce Gonzalez commented
I understand that you are frustrated with AOL's delivery of your emails. It's important to communicate your concerns to AOL and ask for a written explanation. You may want to consider drafting a formal email or letter to their customer support team. If you need assistance with your writing, you can check out https://essaysrescue.com/ for reliable essay writing services. Good luck!
Shains world Peace dream commented
“These fruitless strifes, these ruinous wars shall pass away, and the ‘Most Great Peace’ shall come.” - Bahá’u’lláh
Link to “The Promise of World Peace” please read.
“…The appearances of the Manifestations of God are the divine springtime. When Christ appeared in this world, it was like the vernal bounty; the outpouring descended; the effulgences of the Merciful encircled all things; the human world found new life. Even the physical world partook of it. The divine perfections were upraised; souls were trained in the school of heaven so that all grades of human existence received life and light. …” (The Promulgation of Universal Peace. - Abdu’l-Bahá)
The Baha’i teachings say that the “whole world” should “acknowledge the greatness of Muhammad and all the Heaven-sent Teachers:”
In the Bahá'í writings Muhammad is known by the titles the "Apostle of God", the "Seal of the Prophets" and the "Day-Star of Truth". Writing of Muhammad, `Abdu'l-Bahá states that through God’s aid, he was able to unite the warring tribes of the Arabian Peninsula 'to such an extent that one thousand tribes were welded into one tribe'.
The title khatam an-nabiyyin or khatim an-nabiyyin, usually translated as "Seal of the Prophets", is applied to Muhammad in verse 33:40 of the Qur'an. It is generally regarded to mean that Muhammad was the last of the prophets sent by God. So Bahá'is believe that now is Baha’u’llah at least for thousand years.
*** "...religion must be the mainspring and source of love in the world, for religion is the revelation of the will of God, the divine fundamental of which is love. Therefore, if religion should prove to be the cause of enmity and hatred instead of love, its absence is preferable to its existence. …” The Promulgation of Universal Peace -Abdu’l-Bahá
“The purpose of religion as revealed from the heaven of God's holy Will is to establish unity and concord amongst the peoples of the world; make it not the cause of dissension and strife.” -Baha’u’llah
The Coming of Age of Humanity, What Bahá’ís Believe, God and His Creation.
Some Answered Questions -Abdu’l-Bahá; https://reference.bahai.org/en/t/ab/SAQ/saq-25.html
Baha'u'llah - The Secret of our Century; https://youtu.be/ZIdQSucgujQ
The Promised One of All Ages; https://youtu.be/-5WP1U4T27k
Biblical Prophecy and the Baha'i Faith; https://youtu.be/qdPqK9S6ZF8
The City of the Covenant; https://youtu.be/kN0MJXc0H4U
Abdu'l-Baha: The Mystery - Part 1: Beginnings; https://youtu.be/37syCaHhCEo -
Shains world Peace dream commented
*Baha’is do highly respect all the religions but do not accept human error like; Waging war in the name of God, killing in the name of God, causing others to suffer in the name of God, torturing another human being under the religions’ law, ***superstitious ways of interpretation that it is impossible for human to understand the reason or accept the explanation, and….etc. These are all human misunderstanding, misconception and error of judgment about God and his manifestations. Science must declare it to be valid, and reason must confirm it in order that it may inspire confidence. These are not God’s will. God loves us, humanity, His creation and, because of this love He sent His manifestations to teach us His love, the knowledge of God and how to love each other and be a better human being and live in peace.
*To be a Baha’i is a Choice, through personal willingness and independent investigation of truth, instead of blind acquiescence and imitation of ancestral beliefs. I believe the most important belief is the Oneness of humanity and the Oneness of all religions, having a better world and a better life as all the past manifestations of God have tried to bring as well as Baháʼu'lláh’s teachings for this modern age, ***it shouldn’t be about increasing the number of the believers in each religion. (Shahin ME)
Unity of religion is a core teaching of the Bahá'í Faith;
The Baha’i Faith, the world’s newest independent global belief system, teaches the oneness of God, oneness and the unity of humanity, oneness and the essential harmony of religion. Baha’is believe in peace, justice, love, altruism and unity. The Baha’i teachings promote the agreement of science and religion, the equality of the sexes and the elimination of all prejudice and racism.
“ … The human race, as a distinct, organic unit, has passed through evolutionary stages analogous to the stages of infancy and childhood in the lives of its individual members, and is now in the culminating period of its turbulent adolescence approaching its long-awaited coming of age. …” (The Promise of World Peace)
“To be a Baha’i simply means to love all the world; to love humanity and try to serve it; to work for universal peace and universal brotherhood.” – Abdu’l-Baha, -
Shains world Peace dream commented
For the same reason in the past humanity progressed and moved their religion from Adam and … to Hindu, Jewish, Buddhist, Christian, and Muslim, and now at this time Bahá’u’lláh arose and declared his mission. In reality there is only one religion, the religion of God. HE IS THE PROMISED ONE OF ALL THE PAST RELIGIONS. The Baha’i Faith represents the current stage in the advancement of religion. Baha’is believe that Baha’u’llah is the One who fulfills that promise by bringing teachings to enable humanity to build a new world. The human capacity for spiritual and school learning as well as the understanding of each millennia are also different, they progress with time as our knowledge and understanding as humanity continues to grow from our previous levels. One must understand that to progress through university, one must have gone through kindergarten to year twelve. This progression is similar to how religions have progressed, with each new Manifestation bringing forth greater knowledge and wisdom than the past on account of humanity growing and developing, physically, mentally and spiritually. ***It is not that the previous prophets had lesser knowledge, but that humanity was not ready to receive these gifts. The time for us to blindly imitate our fathers and ancestors is over as you can see how much humanity and the world has been changed around you. Maybe in the past, the first grade of an education was enough but not anymore, please improve and update your spiritual education as well to what is the latest and most updated and acceptable for these days.
***How come we upgrade our way of living to advance but not our spiritual beliefs and religion? *Which the current condition of the world shows the urgent need for advancement of our spiritual beliefs for this New Era. ***Just imagine if now we lived the same lifestyle as our ancestors did 1400-4000 years ago, the time they were practicing the same spiritual beliefs and religion as many people do now in this New Era with this modern life style, which could not be practical and acceptable **so for the same reason our beliefs and religion should be upgraded too. ****”True prosperity has both material and spiritual dimensions. ***The spiritual and material aspects of life need to advance together in order for a community to progress.” **In reality there is only one religion, the religion of God, which is continually evolving and each particular religious system represents a stage in the progression of the whole. ***The Bahá'í Faith represents the current stage in the advancement of religion. *Baha’u’llah’s teachings are very powerful; oneness of God, oneness of religions, oneness of mankind and universal peace. **We need to understand the oneness of God, the oneness of religions, ***the unity of all governments and the oneness and unity of mankind. ***As you can see at this current worlds’ situation the teachings of the Baha'i Faith to the World is the much needed solution to solve most of the current world's problems. *If Baha’u’llah’s teachings reached the people of the World for definite we would have a much safer and a better world than what we have now. (Shahin M.E.)
Unfortunately in the old days due to lack of facilities the Words of God and His teachings were passed on verbally, and some based on the individual's understanding were either modified or changed as time went by. Now we are fortunate to have all the means and the technology available to us to avoid any confusion and complication. ***That is why in the Baha'i Faith we have no Hadith and no traditions, no changing or adding to any original Baha’i writings. ***Everything not documented and authenticated should be refused. ***So any question, which can be referred to the original Baha'i writings instead of verbally answer from a person. **The Baha’is have no priests, ministers, rabbis, mullas, pandits, lamas, or monks. Bahá’u’lláh prohibits confession to, and seeking absolution of one’s sins from, a human being. Instead one should beg forgiveness from God. In the Tablet of Bishárát, He states that *“such confession before people results in one’s humiliation and abasement”, and He affirms that God *“wisheth not the humiliation of His servants”. (Shahin M.E.) -
Shains world Peace dream commented
"I charge you all that each one of you concentrate all the thoughts of your heart on love and unity. When a thought of war comes, oppose it by a stronger thought of peace. A thought of hatred must be destroyed by a more powerful thought of love. Thoughts of war bring destruction to all harmony, well-being, restfulness and content. (Gleanings From the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh)
<3 Today there is no greater glory for man than that of service in the cause of the ***“Most Great Peace.” *Peace is light whereas war is darkness. *Peace is life; war is death. *Peace is guidance; war is error. *Peace is the foundation of God; war is satanic institution. *Peace is the illumination of the world of humanity; war is the destroyer of human foundations. When we consider outcomes in the world of existence we find that peace and fellowship are factors of upbuilding and betterment whereas war and strife are the causes of destruction and disintegration. -‘Abdu’l-Bahá
“Our hope is that the world’s religious leaders and the rulers thereof will unitedly arise for the reformation of this age and the rehabilitation of its fortunes. Let them, after meditating on its needs, take counsel together and, through anxious and full deliberation, administer to a diseased and sorely-afflicted world the remedy it requireth. … It is incumbent upon them who are in authority to exercise moderation in all things. ..." (Gleanings From the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh)
*As a Baha'i it is my duty to share and pass Bahá’u’lláh's teaching to the people of the world and this is part of my personal teaching of the Baha'i Faith for hoping to achieve World Peace and have a peaceful and a better world than what we have now. I wish to witness that by teaching this Greatest Cause of God, The Universal Healing Message of Bahá'u'lláh, the differences among mankind disappear and unity of mankind be established, the world will be as one and we all live in solidarity as a brotherhood of man as one family.
With respect what the leaders of the world are doing for their nation and the world, I would like to present to world leaders, government officials and all peoples of the world “The Promise of World Peace by - Bahá'u'lláh,” the Universal House of Justice addressed to world leaders and countless others during the United Nations International Year of Peace in 1985. The world reality shows the needs of mankind for the healing message of Baha'u'llah more than anything in this crisis. Since I am unable to reach all heads of states, officials and peoples of the world, forwarding this message would be highly appreciated. Thank you (Shahin ME)
Bahá’u’lláh's and Abdu’l-Bahá's teachings are too good and I can’t ignore and not share with the world. As you can see Baha'i’s Teachings are all about LOVE and UNITY and no wars, no forces to convert, or tortures and causing people to suffer also not pushing the idea of been the only and last religion. This is what I’m hoping the leaders of the world, for the sake of achieving World peace sooner, can help humanity accomplish in the name of world peace and unity of mankind by; ***to make Bahá’u’lláh's and Abdu’l-Bahá's teachings become parts of school education and teaching it in all the school around the world without the need for anyone to become a Baha'i. It would be great to have more Baha'i education classes around the world in primary school under the Scripture program with approval of their government. Students from any religious background are welcome to attend (with their parents’ permission) as some countries currently do. The classes assist children to develop their spiritual nature, complementing the material and physical education provided by schools. Based on the teachings of Baha’u’llah, the classes emphasize the development of spiritual attributes or virtues and attempt to foster in students the knowledge, skills, understandings and values required to be world citizens. Students are encouraged to embrace the oneness of humankind in all its diversity. (Personal opinion. Shahin ME) -
Shains world Peace dream commented
To all world leaders; with your help and consideration World Peace will be achieved.
All government officials, dignitaries of all faiths and all the peoples of the world.
“The Promise of World Peace” - Bahá’u’lláh
“One Planet. One People, please” -Baha'u'llah
The Bahá'í call for peace comes at a crucial moment in the history of humanity. Peace in the contemporary world is no longer an option but a necessity. **All leaders and peoples of the world must come to realize this fact, and achieve the maturity which the Bahá'í Faith foresees for the coming of age of humanity.
“So powerful is the light of unity that it can illuminate the whole earth.” - Bahá'u'lláh
*Please Note; except where I use direct quotes and links, some of these notes are my own, from my opinion and understanding of the Writings, and must not be interpreted as the approved position of any Baha'i institution. When you are using the Baha’i writings, please make sure to quote the source as Baha’i writing with the original author. (Shahin ME)
With my sincere respect, I praise and thank those leaders who took steps towards the peace and stopping the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine. Please, all the leaders of the world should be united together and with the power of their position do something to stop this war. Just imagine yourself with your own children, family and your loved ones, like those Ukrainian families right now in this ongoing war, who lost their family members and loved ones. Or their young children and elderly should leave their own home and country to become homeless with fear that they may not see each other again, with no sleep and stress for days and nights with all these man-made disasters and nightmare war. Please, those people need your help and what’s going on with them is not their fault and not fair, they do not want war and they are innocent people. Baha’i teachings are all about peace and unity, please help to wake up the people of the world to the new teachings for this New Era. I wish the world would soon wake up to Baha’i teachings before too late.
The dream has indeed come true, the New Age has dawned upon our world that the oneness of humanity could now become a reality, with our commitment as Baha’u’llah said; *“The well-being of mankind, its peace and security, are unattainable unless and until its unity is firmly established.” “… unless the peoples of the world unite in pursuit of one common aim and embrace **one universal faith.” The religion of God, which is Progressive. ***“The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens.” ****“One Planet. One People, please” *****“So powerful is the light of unity that it can illuminate the whole earth.” May God bring everlasting peace to this planet. (Shahin ME)