Customer service scammers
I had a problem reinstalling AOL gold in my laptop. I called and someone wanted to have some one AOL out source the service to India.Like Americans are not fit to do this job.Verizon could take Americans money but yet the jobs are sent abroad.
I had an experience last year when I called customer service and someone in India wanted to charge me for directing me on how I should download AOL gold, after gaining entry into my system, and I had no intention of paying $120 , they locked up my system.
Today 7/23/21 The same thing happen to me, this time I again voiced my complain as they again wanted to send me to the Indians. This time I left without even taking their calls. They again was able to lock up my system because they have all out IP addresses. Its time AOL do something about these Indian scammers/ AOL service technicians, after all most AOL customers are here more than 20 years but Verizon don't care about Americans.