Either you stop deleting my my non-vulgar AOL story posts or I delete paying you!!!
Improve by stop censoring posts! I am ******!!!!
Alex Stephens commented
This all depends on the comment you intended to post. AOL, like all other businesses in the US, reserves the right to enforce an Acceptable Use Policy. That means they have the full legal right to regulate what users are allowed to post or not as long as their rules are openly disclosed somehow (which they are when you signed up). They're also available here: https://legal.aol.com/legacy/terms-of-service/full-terms/index.html
Remember, our First Amendment isn't infinitely granted everywhere. The constitution only guarantees that the government won't infringe on our free speech. A business, online or in-person, is a private area so they can make and enforce their own rules.
So, if you made it this far, the TL;DR is: Say inflammatory or inappropriate things and a business can shut you down legally.
JOHN KOSKO commented
I've already provided a comment, how many **** times do I have to say the same thing? Stop censoring my posts!!!!! (Or, I will stop my paid subscription!)
JOHN KOSKO commented
I've already provided a comment, how many **** times do I have to say the same thing? Stop censoring my posts!!!!! (Or, I will stop my paid subscription!)