Your Uber Accident article is less than accurate.
Your Uber Accident article is less than accurate as Uber does require drivers to carry Rideshare Insurance. They also offer Rideshare Insurance to those who didn't have it before it became a requirement.
Until it became a requirement, Rideshare companies required all drivers to carry general auto insurance which is confirmed when they sign on. While it is a requirement in so.e states it is not a requirement in all states.
One other point to be made is that because it is not a requirement in many states, not enough companies carrying Rideshare Insurance as yet, therefore, drivers are sheered toward companies that do.
Finally, there is a general reader concern that your article would single out "Uber" when Rideshare companies use one another as models for general standards. If you were being honest, then you should present that all Rideshare drivers are regular people as are taxie drivers, soccer moms, truck drivers, pizza delivery driver, and even you are not exempt from having accidents.