Provide the info users actually want to know
In the recent First Drive review of the Chevy Trailblazer you refused to disclose the specs that your users actually want to know. Specifically the DIMENSIONS. You referred to the length as "it’s 5.9 inches longer than the former and 9.6 inches shorter than the latter" referring to the Trax and Equinox. HERE"S A CLUE: I DON"T KNOW HOW LONG THE TRAX IS, I DON"T KNOW HOW LONG THE EQUINOX IS, AND NEITHER DOES ANYONE ELSE. And, no, you morons ... I don't want to look it up and do the calculations. How about you just TELL US HOW LONG IT IS ???? Or are you too stupid to do that ? And here is a final clue ... if I have to switch browser tabs and go somewhere else to figure out how long those others are ... so I can calculate the length of this vehicle ... WHY THE **** AM I ON YOUR WEBSITE ANYWAY. In other words ... once I leave to find the info I am looking for ... I'm not coming back. Yeah ... wake up call ...