INVENTION THAT SAVES LIVES - new child seat from Serbia
Do something for journalists from small countries, independent innovators, be journalists, not a propaganda machine of global companies. Do something for traffic safety despite the ministries of transport under the influence of companies! Published and some crazy idea from the small state or every letter has to be paid for. You are approached by someone who has been a journalist, editor and editor-in-chief for over 25 years, as well as a test driver for experience! This invention, in head-on collisions in passenger vehicles, could decrease death and serious injuries are decreased for about 50%. The force upon a passenger’s body in nowadays vehicles, in head-on collisions with static obstacle and with the speed of 60 km/h, will be the same as the force under the same conditions and the speed 90 km/h, if "The Seat with the Collision Energy Absorber" (SCEA) is used. It is expected "The Seat with the Collision Energy Absorber" (SCEA) to be implemented in the case of transporting children because they are in a big danger if an accident occur. By far the best result of SCEA is if it is applied in child seats. Be the first of the world's largest automotive media to publish this news!!!