I agree with the last writer. I too love this site. Yesterday ended the The short interlude of The Trumpsters. The complaints--ridiculous
The right of your management to control your content at Auto Blog, and not to become sycophants who are intimidated as the Bannon/Miller/Breitbart/NewsMax/Fixed News Boys have tried to do for the last 6 years with their American Hitler Trumpenstein Treasongate is very reasonable to me. Every day the WSJ attacks some man or woman as the National Enquirer did for Drumpf from Dumbphuquistan did for years. His private character assassination media organ.
I love diversity. AutoBlog must take politics into its mission. We have all seen how the world has been ruined by cowards who do not stand up to bullies. Russia, China, North Korea, The PI, Saudi Arabia, most of the Middle East, many parts of Africa and Asia are run by dictators. How dare any Trumpster chasten your publication or its editorial content. The WSJ is run by a brutal media dictator who has ruined the purpose of the WSJ. Its only purpose is to promote the benevolent credo of business. It has become along with its other organs at the NY Post, Barron's, Fixed News, Fixed Sports, Fox Studios into a Reverend Moon propaganda circus of the far right-wing of Dobbs, O'Blarrney, Carlson, Hannity, Karl Rove, OxyContin Abuser Limburger, National Enquirer, Breitbart, and the political philosophy of Chaos and Anarchy. We came within 68,000 votes of giving Drump from Dumbphuqistan another four years of terror and bullying. Now he has become a squatter in the White House, and everyone and everything he touches dies. So, tell your Trumpster bullies to stay in their hovels with the Proud Boys Gestapo Crowd. I loved your Lexus profile I have driven many wonderful German, Japanese, and American cars. Now your publication must guide us out of the oil and gas dead-end of cars in America and China. Tesla and the EV are a dead end. Hydrogen is the only answer. The Mirai is moving into an exciting car. Keep up A+ work. I worked at Ford assembling the greatest car I have ever driven-- The Lincoln Town Car in Pico Rivera, California, I assembled DC-10 in Long Beach, and I worked on B 52 bombers during Nam. I was exposed to Agent Orange and survived tongue cancer from AO, naplam, and methyl ethyl ketones. Still alive and kicking ass. Studied at OU and Law at UCLA. Now retired and enjoying the 55 electoral votes we gave to Joe yesterday. The Drumpf Kleptocrat Era is following Ding Dong the Wicked Witch is dead. Now two Senate Seats in Georgia the ancestral home of convicts and Charlotte in Gone With the Wind hold the key to America's future and the South is now the car capital of the world. Detroit is now an afterthought. So hire some ladies at your company so the better half of our country and do lovely review. My wife drove many hot cars in our 53-year marriage. 1957 Black Chevy Bel Air convertible. 1966 turquoise Mercury Comet convertible. 1966 Red GTO coupe, 1969 Green GTO convertible. Many Ford SUVs, and now a great White 10 seater Buick Enclave the best SUV on earth. Next a Bentley convertible.
The great car giants of Detroit that gave us George Romney unions and benefits has been snuffed out by the right to work South of non-union no benefits of BMW, Mercedes, Toyota, Hyundai, and others. More BMWs are produced in Tennessee than in Germany. 4million a year. We have gone from a Black Slave Plantation economy in the South to a White Slave Plantation Economy of Walmart, Amazon, FedEx, and Trumpsters in the US Congress as plantation managers in the Senate, but no longer the House. When I had my son when I worked at Ford, the cost was $j0.20 for two phone calls. Now it would be expensive. So keep up your political comments. But please do not follow the WSJ criticizing Dr. Jill Biden for using the doctor. WSJ has a brain aneurism about her us of Dr. They always call Kissinger, Rice, and Mika's poppa Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski. 72 point scrabble words. 3 Zs. A woman cannot use Dr., but a nerdy Epstein character assassin criticized Jill for using Dr. and the editor of the WSJ Gigot crucified her for using Dr. Mr. Gigot should go the way of all of the other stooge misogynists like Murdoch. Does he even have a degree? His son James quit the WSJ Empire as an insult to his Dad's Yellow Journalism. So tell the Trumpsters who dare to challenge your fine blog to come to see me I can deal with violence and hypocrisy. Frankly, Scarlet, I don't give a damn about political correctness. YOu are all peachy keen.
Pat Maginnis