AOL Games
This forum is for you to make product suggestions and provide thoughtful feedback. We’re always trying to improve our products and we can use the most popular feedback to make a positive change!
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Tell us how we can improve AOL Games. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review regularly and take them very seriously.
151 results found
Need to bring back the Heart Game in AOL. I love the Heart Game and I always play it.
Need to bring back the Heart Game in AOL. I love the Heart Game and I always play it
19th ranked -
40th ranked
what happened to all my names in my aol games
return all my names
40th rankedCould you please provide a bit more details for us on what you’re commenting on?
are coins ever awarded as a prize for slot tourneys?
78th ranked -
new game
any chance of getting chinese checkers?
78th ranked -
Your puzzles need a "none of those" box for all questions. You ask questions about movies that I never watched past the first 5 minutes.
You post online quizzes that demand an answer to a movie that I never watched past the first 5 minutes. I hated Star Trek the first 5 minutes. Not my kind of movie. And I could not continue the quiz because there was not a "none of the above" box to check.
78th ranked -
Transfer bankroll
My idea is to be able to transfer my bankroll from Texas Holdem No Limit to my bankroll on World Class Poker, thanks!
78th ranked -
Valentine Event
Do a Valentine's Event on slots?
78th ranked -
ad pop up (Patriot Wealth) will not go away ---blocked games---as I type still in corner. Help. thank you
Ad pop up (Patriot Wealth) will not go away!--blocked games so I exited.
Ad still in corer of screen as I type this.
Help. It is very annoying as blocks part of screen. Why will it not go away.Thank you in advance for your help.78th ranked -
give more control 2 users-boot other users, give more ways to earn coins, bring back more game, boxcars, whodunit and more challenging games
give more control 2 users-boot other users, give more ways to earn coins, bring back more game, boxcars, whodunit and more challenging games
78th ranked -
I don't like how the game SPADES has changed recently. Now you can barely see the cards in your hand. Please change it back the way it was
I don't like how the game SPADES has changed recently. I can hardly see the cards in my hand anymore- not enough space between them. Please change it back to the way it was before.
150th ranked
- Don't see your idea?