AOL Mail Noble
This forum is for you to make product suggestions and provide thoughtful feedback. We’re always trying to improve our products and we can use the most popular feedback to make a positive change!
Tell us how we can improve your AOL Mail experience. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review them regularly and take them very seriously.
Please contact our help site if you’re experiencing an issue that prevents you from using Mail as expected.
75 results found
Technical support
Should not have to pay for service when you have a problem I have problem and it will cost me a monthly fee for support if I never have a problem I don't get it back I still have problem and they won't help me unless I pay every month
Deleting emails from the same mailer as a group at once
To have the option to delete all mail from one sender at once.
New release aol app for Android does not work properly on Samsung Tablets
The new released aol app for Android does not work in Germany on Samsung Tablets Android Version10 or less. I always have the format of mobile phone and no option for changing to desktop or tablet version. I have always to turn the tablet to be able to read my mail inbox. Only the settings are in square format as I would like to have it for Tablets. Please debug your App as soon as possible or give back the old Aol App Version for download and installation!
I am not getting my emails and d emails from 2019 are showing up in my new mail WHY??
Not getting emails and old 2019 mail showing upon new mail
Forward email
Can we forward our email to a good account like yahoo? This aol format is the worst
Firefox says aol ssl is no good this evening
Why did Firefox say aol was getting ssl errors and no https for aol was working this evening?
I haven't been able to sync ANY mail at all one I got 4 pieces of mail .i need it asap
I am receiving someone else’s email
I have been receiving someon else’s email from an iCloud account that is not me for a year when I contacted customer service I was told I had to pay for a premium account to get help with this problem.
Why won’t it work with my apple application
Make it work again
Stop putting my republican mail in spam amd
Stop putting my Republican mail in spam and stop censorship from conservatives!
Is there a professional AOL?
Is there a professional AOL email without ads?
You need a delete all button!
Delete all button
Why won’t it work with my apple application
Make it work again
- Don't see your idea?