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Tell us how we can improve AOL. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review regularly and take them very seriously.
114 results found
Stop using the name Kate Middleton when you mean the Princess of Wales. She has not used that name since she got married. It is offensive
Be courteous when talking about people. Stop using the name Kate Middleton when you mean the Princess of Wales. She has not used that name since she got married. It is offensive
79th ranked -
Solar panels on all new builds by Law. Also incentives to industry to put solar panels on all their factory roofs. No panels from China
Easy to insist , from day one , solar panels on all new builds , by Law ! Also why not incentivise industry to do the same on all their factory roofs ? DO NOT buy from China.
94th ranked -
WTF have you wankers done to my three email accounts
Only able to sign onto one of my three email accounts WHY
94th ranked -
Stop restricking our comments on what you adverrtise on.
Stop restricting people on commenting on what you advertise on I found you have stopped comments on anything that involves ethic people, there was a couple of comments i wanted to make on Rwanda and other usses. However i couldn´t because you have stopped certain comments. We are not children and we all have a voice. Its called freedom of speech.
43rd ranked -
Give us a way to comment on one sided news.
Why should we read your one side news items when we cannot reply.
50th ranked -
94th ranked
Please allow right of reply to news reports as before, on the page news statements appear, to avoid perception of Social Media propaganda .
Please allow readers visible right of reply, if desired, to news reports as AOL previously did at the foot of page news, to avoid the perception of Social Media propaganda misleading the public to a certain point of view, because readers can sometimes contribute perhaps overlooked information from other sources to counter a false report.
For example, regarding this mornings headline that "Israel has yet to prove its terrorist hospital command post allegations". Could this be because AOL's daily running media commentary are also read by these terrorists to clear evidence on retreat. Another omission in reporting. When will we…
50th ranked -
Just when readers get used to aol headline feature presentation - your tech team change its format with no thought given to visual issues
Tech team have yet again changed the format of headline feature reporting with no consideration for readers with visual issues. The size of text is far too small and why change something which wasn’t broken
94th ranked -
1st ranked
old news again change it sometimes
old news again change it sometimes
79th ranked -
Some contributors of the comment sites are very threatening and obscene. Surel there should be a way of reporting these individual and booti
Some contributors are threatening and abusive and their comments are often very extreme . We should be able to report the individuals who go beyond the acceptable by giving you their 'name so you can check their history not just every comment they make which is time consuming.
79th ranked -
Return back to my basic aol
I want to go back to my old aol settings as this new version does not suit my business requirements ids this possible, I have tried but it will not change the settings
50th ranked -
2nd ranked
Ref. Feed back about the new AOL mail format; Having used aol mail for over 25 years, now with the new mail format both my wife and I are fi
Ref. Feed back about the new AOL mail format;
Having used aol mail for over 25 years, now with the new mail format both my wife and I are finding the new version very inferior to the previous layout with regard to the following points;
The previous layout provided very simple tools with regard to font size, colour, and position of the text, it was great like using a simplified version of Microsoft Word.
It also, provided ability to customise the e-mail as a ‘Greeting Card’ for different occasions with great and lovely selections of lay-outs.Sending, replying and deleting…
66th ranked -
Why can I no longer comment on the news reports? It allows me to click on the tab which is there but the content skims to the bottom of the page and no comments section appears?
16th ranked -
For God's sake PLEASE go back to the previos format !!!!
For God's sake go back to the original format !!! The new format restricts the abilty to present text, picture size and position on the page!
79th ranked -
I can't find a way to contact you about my bill. Please put a link on the home screen.
I can't find a way to contact you about my bill. Please put a link on the home screen.
94th ranked -
give new headlines
give new headlines
94th ranked -
Disgusting that AOL no longer allowes comments to be made to any News letters, this permission shuld be reinstated immediately
35th ranked -
16th ranked
- Don't see your idea?