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2 results found
Diversity Report articles should not be paywalled behind ExtraCrunch
I was disappointed to discover that the recent Pinterest diversity report article was locked behind an ExtraCrunch subscription. It goes without saying how important these reports are for holding tech companies accountable for meeting D&I goals, and as a PoC in tech I'm dismayed that I can't read about how Pinterest has met/not met their goals this year. I did a quick search on TechCrunch and I think this is the first time a Diversity Report has been paywalled, and I suggest that this NOT be a trend going forward, given the public benefit to all of reading key…
8th ranked -
Why was my comment not posted?
I posted a comment to an article [ ], it had no derogatory language, and I just dove into the facts presented in the article. However my post was never added to the article, nor did it let me add it when I tried to again, saying I already had. Seeing as how it seems that it was rejected by some desk-jockey, I'd like to understand what part of your terms of service my post violated so I can make sure not to offend people who have problems with just facts. I am attaching my post so you can…
8th ranked
- Don't see your idea?