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1393 results found
Keep your **** off my computers
********. Your days of usefulness are gone.
4192nd ranked -
4192nd ranked
new news??? or too radical an idea for aol 'journalists'?
your customers are sick of the same old liberal ***** and the recycled 'headlines' this site is a complete joke
4192nd ranked -
Stop promoting Jane Fonda, the traitor who during the Viet Nam conflict gave aid and comfort to the Communists.
Horrific idea, the attempt to bring that traitor, Jane Fonda into cleansing her image by continually spotlighting her as an American although she gave aid and comfort to the Communists during the Viet Nam conflict. For shame!
1500th ranked -
2341st ranked
You recently asked for a recovery email...I don't use any other then my aol email.
AOL keeps asking me for a recovery email or I will be locked out of AOL after over 20 years together...I don't use any other email except my AOL account and don't want or have a "recovery" email. So, If you choose to lock me out of my AOL account...All I Can Say Is Farewell!!!
2341st ranked -
1500th ranked
4192nd ranked
Stop the Trump bashing or I am leaving AOL, who has been my primary provider for many, many years. READ THE INPUT FROM YOUR SUBSCRIBERS!!! And LISTEN, or we will be leaving AOL on droves.
1082nd ranked -
Aol can stop the relentless cheerleading for the Democratic Party. Your efforts are ham-fisted and annoying. I have dropped AOL as my home
I ask AOL to discontinue its blatant promotion of the Democratic Party.
1082nd ranked -
'Pence's bloodshot eyes'
"Pence's bloodshot eyes during debate causes concern."
Really? Could you be more ridiculous?
1500th ranked -
AOL Bias
Is it laziness? Or cost savings by just regurgitating Reuter's/NYTs news feeds? Or does anyone at AOL who creates the ridiculous daily editorial page really believe that they can manipulate the audience vis a vis pseudo news-like propaganda? It rather has the opposite effect.
1500th ranked -
Stop the lies and dumping on the president. AOL is an Anti-America piece of ****.
1500th ranked -
your "headlines" NEVER EVER recognize any positive for economy: penal reforms etc that have been done by Trump. I voted Dem 40 years including 2008. ANYTHING positive towards Trump is always turned into a negative by AOL; Google etc. Why ? Violence from BLM is downplayed and felons are given hero status. Antifa is an "idea"?? It's anarchy as is looting; arson; violence against Trump supporters (not reported as it does not fit the narrative) and all other felonies. The idea of saying all cops/whites are racists is as stupid and invalid as saying ALL Chicago (pick another Dem city)…
1082nd ranked -
so pro Demo...!!
come on - just once in fresh and free Ideas of the Prez...don't be so one sided for Joe B....and against the Republicans...really.
1500th ranked -
It's absolutely absurd to have to "fight" to read your special story's. It's irritating trying to keep up with the moving forward boxes.
Stop the jumping around with ads between trying to read follow up storys.
4192nd ranked -
10557th ranked
Delete sign in requirement
I have been a paying user of AOL for about 20 years. Why am I required to sign in separately to make a comment?
4192nd ranked -
Wrong, wrong, wrong!
You can't compare this economic turndown to any other era. The Coronavirus is the sole cause of the current turndown. Get your liberal head out of the sand!
4192nd ranked -
Stephanie Wolkoff
No wonder she was fired.
4192nd ranked
- Don't see your idea?